Chapter 5

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Stepping out of his car, Luis noticed teenage boys playing hacky sack and girls sitting in circles around the campgrounds holding hands while they prayed with each other. Some sitting at picnic tables, some playing catch with their football, and what seemed to be leaders, gathered together at the large fire pit. He looked over to the Office Building and noticed a sign that read:

Camp His Way – Youth Camp.

Great. He thought. I can forget about peace and quiet. He thought about calling Matt, but he knew he needed some kind of mental break, even if it meant being at a Youth Camp. If anyone could bring peace, it would be God. All he needed to do was trust in that. Hesitantly, He opened the back door of his car and grabbed his satchel. It was late in the afternoon and as anxious as he was, all he wanted to do was get to his cabin and try to wind down from the four hour drive.

"Hello there." A freckled faced young lady asked from across the counter.

"Hello. I'm Luis Garcia. I should have a room reserved."

"Let's see here." She squinted as looked at her computer. "Ah, yes. You'll be staying in God's Grace room and you are booked for three weeks. Is that correct?,"

"Yes. Can you tell me how long you'll have youth on the grounds?"

She looked at Luis with compassion. "Well sir, we have several sessions that take place up until early August." She tilted her head and gave a worrisome face.

"Okay. Thanks. Do you have a coffee shop by any chance?"

"We do!" She answered, changing her demeanor. "Out the door to your right. You'll see some tables with umbrellas outside the shop."


After checking himself in, he headed toward the coffee shop. There he noticed the customers were all adults. Not feeling like interacting or participating in small talk, he ordered his latte and walked to his cabin.

His eyes widened as he unlocked his door and entered the room.

"This is a much better atmosphere." He commented.

His room was bigger than he expected. Set to the wall at the left, a king size bed. He instantly felt relief and knew his nights would be comfortable and filled with much needed sleep. On a small desk in front of a massive panoramic window were brochures of the camp and all it had to offer. The camp provided three chapels, a traditional chapel located at the center of the camp, a small chapel out by the river and the other in the garden. They also offered three early morning devotional groups: Men's, Women's and youth. During the day there would be bible reading groups, topic groups, an in-house counselor was available by appointment and fun filled adventurous activities with some specified for adults at specific times. Looking at the list of activities, he quickly caught his eye.

"Zip lining? Hmm, that could be fun."

Luis was particularly interested in zip lining. He remembered going to the lake when he was younger and noticed people flying through the air and never having the chance to experience it. He took the adult times, as he would not enjoy zipping down the mountain with a young teen yelling her lungs out.

At sunset, the entire camp would gather together for a time of worship. Luis couldn't remember the last time he listened to Christian music much less gathering with others to sing to the Lord, but he promised he would try at least once while he was there. He was impressed by the way the camp organized adult activities while running a full blown youth camp.

He stood by the window that gave him a view of the mountains and their valleys. Pine trees gathered sporadically. As the sun began to set, the Holy Spirit spoke to his heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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