Chapter I -Harry's Jack-

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Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

Chapter I

–Harry's Jack–

November 2011


Slowly, very slowly. Out of the shadows where they can't touch him. Deep breaths so not to show any feelings. Just a couple more steps...

He forced himself through the hole under the bed. This was his favourite exit of all the exits. He grinned and run as fast as he could. He felt the wind and grinned as Jack Frost showed at his side.

"Hey, Kiddo. Up to a Snow Day?"

Harry nodded eagerly. Jack raised his staff and made a show just for Harry's eyes alone as he brought snow to all of Burgess. Harry clapped eagerly and was about to push his hands in the snow when a pair of gloves and a hoodie was forced down his head. Harry looked up at Jack in mock betrayal.

"Sorry, Kiddo. Don't want your sister to get mad at me."


Harry nodded. Katherine was just as motherhen as Father was. Harry followed Jack to his lake and played around; doing ball wars with the frost sprite, creating snow men and even making snow angels!


Harry looked up and there it was. The moon. Harry jumped up into a tree - Jack immediately making sure he didn't fall down - and stayed in a branch watching the moonrise. It was beautiful. He closed his eyes and felt the moonlight on his skin. Jack had gotten his powers from the Tsar. Harry was half-human and half-spirit (or whatever it was the name used for creatures like Father).

"Isn't it too late for a young boy to be playing so late?"

Harry opened his eyes and looked at the human. That was the downside of his upbringing. Humans could see him even if they couldn't see his family or friend. Harry also couldn't see the other spirits, not at first anyway. Jack had had to make Harry believe in him back when he was 3-year-old.

"My Father is just around the corner. He told me to stay put." He replied.

The man narrowed his eyes.

"There's no one out at this hours, Boy."

Jack stood from the tree and smiled back at Harry before approaching the man creating ice and taking the man away. Harry looked up to the sky again. He didn't want to go home just yet. There was no moonlight down in the lair. Harry sighed and climbed down the tree, only to then trip in Jack's ice and fall face forward into the floor. He leaned back unto his knees and coughed blood. Harry's eyes grew at what he then found.

"Hey, Kiddo. What happened?"

"I tripped on the ice as I left the tree." Harry claimed proudly and then showed his teeth, pulling his lips up with his fingers. "A tooth fell down."

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