Part 1: Traveling to Meet ParaReact

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You're packing for a vaction because you're leaving America for a week long trip at the U.K. The reason for this is cause you and parents are off from school/work and want to do something that can be both fun & relaxing. You're excited cause you enjoy going to new places but mostly excited cause you get a change to meet a YouTuber you love, Parareact. You board the plane and take your seat. You play videogames on your Nintendo Switch, watch a movie, and take a nap for the duration of the flight. It soon lands at the airport and you wait on an uber to take you to your hotel room. Once you got there you all ate lunch then you had the whole rest of day to explore and do what you felt like doing; you just had to meet back at the hotel room before dark. Your parents decided to spend time at the beach and you go on to do your own thing and that was to try and meet ParaReact for the first time in person. You have a thought that since its noon she might still be at school. So you pull out phone for a GPS but you find out its quite a hike so then you find an electrical scooter you can use after paying for it and use that for your transportation. It was an hour walk but with the scooter the distance time is now 30 minutes. You feel pretty good that you will be able to pull this off.

A ParaReact Fan Fiction: Sophie Dempster x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now