Part 2: Standing up for ParaReact

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You soon arrive and walk in the building. You search around and eventually spot her. Your eyes light up and you speed walk to her, but two people got to her before you. It was two people being mean to her. There was a girl saying hurtful things towards Sophie and even shoving her with a boy behind her laughing as this took place. You walk up feeling mad at them and tell them to piss off. The guy responded "who the hell do you think you're to interpret me and my friend. We are popular here and you're just a new transfer." You say back "Im not a student here" & "dont you have a life other than being pathetic & disgusting trash towards others". The boy felt offended and tried to swing on you. You sliped it and counter with 2 jabs. He than angrily went for a kick which you block and you finish him off with a strong & fast straight. He lost his fighting spirit and decides to leave. Then the girl responded "you can't hit me, I'm a girl" You respond "you're right, but Sophie can" as you hold the girl still in a choke hold then Sophie punched her stomach and then again in the face. You let her go so she can limp away. You say "You better never be mean to Sophie again or you'll see me again"

A ParaReact Fan Fiction: Sophie Dempster x Male Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें