Teacher/Student -4

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Eventually Explicit
Also quite long for an imagine. 💖

You could feel the warm blankets clenching around your body before your ears and, by god your peacefulness, were pierced by your phone alarm. The beeping caused you to kick the pillows from your feet and flop yourself over to the left side of your bed.

Your phone was on charge while buzzing around the floor. You swept your hand down hitting the screen with your index finger. Finally the war cry had stopped.

But now it's time to get up... All You can think is 'here I go again'.

You look to the clock and by damn it's 4:12am.

"uhh there goes the two minute luxury of instant hot chocolate." You sigh as you practically run to the shower.

The water trickles it's way through your hair and down your back for exactly 10minutes. By 4:23am you are stood at the mirror brushing your teeth while your beautiful hair naturally dries. You spit the spearmint out and splash your face with freezing water.

Making your way to the living room your ugly ass uniform is all set out neatly without a crease in it. You wouldn't want to be running around the academy perimeter six times again. You smooth the black army trousers over your ass and down your thighs with your hand before turning to the mirror to double check the neatness.

You then realised your hair was still down, you grabbed a bobble from your wrist and tied the top of your hair back into a small bun at the back of my head while the other curls flow down your defined back.

You quickly grab your ready packed messenger bag and throw your trainers on before leaving at 4:54am. You arrive at the Academy gates at 5:10am where the guards stand with armed pistols watching your every move.

Sure your life is strict and... Confined. But it's always been that way, you're used to living like this. Every other girl here likes to believe their different from the rest, than you. But the truth is we're all the same. We're all just typical.

You haven't seen dad for about a month and five days now. Mom left unexpectedly when You were 3months old, and now you just train, train, train.

Today you have a new Physical Education 'Instructor', you don't know why because hiring a new teacher half way through the term/semester isn't exactly tradition. And you honestly can't say you hated the last instructor because you hate all the teachers here, it's the military, what do you expect?

Physical Ed is supposed to be 'a necessity' this year because this is the time when all teenagers develop properly and grow into your body type. To be completely honest you did that when you were like 11, You've just spent all this time working on your fitness.

You walk into home room where people are sat on tables talking and laughing. You regain your usual seat at the back of the class, where you sit on your own now. Your friend Roya moved to an American Academy last term.

You're surprised everyone is talking, I mean you know it's early on a Monday but you have no doubt the new instructor will walk around that corner any second.

You sit with posture in your chair, your bag gently at your side waiting for everyone to skuttle to their seats at the sight of him.

As if on que the slightly muscley man stepped to the door way. You raised an eyebrow from not being able to see his features. Everyone jumped into their seats as if they would be hit if they didn't, which they probably would have.

The new Instructor walked in surprisingly not dressed in the academy uniform and as unaware as ever.

Your mouth smirked at the fact he has the nerve to walk into this academy in casual clothes. Others were shocked, but you had quite the rebel label yourself.

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