Chapter 18

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Stephanie's POV

I walk down the stairs and make my way to the livingroom where I know Alex and Maya are waiting for me. I come around the corner and see Maya on top of Alex, pinning her to the couch.

"Ohhh now you're in trouble" Maya chuckles. "She has manipulative ways to make you talk."

"There is nothing to say" Alex laughs.

"What's wrong?" I ask with slight chuckle and lay down on my stomach on the other side of the couch with my head close to Alex's.

Maya sits up over Alex's lap and looks at me. "Alex is hiding something and she won't tell me what it is"

"I'm not hiding anything, baby. I'm just tired"

"I don't believe her" Maya shrugs and shakes her head.

I look down at Alex and take my time to analyze her expressions and emotions. I've had a few glasses of wine today which is definitely having its affect on me but as I think back to the day, I didn't spend much time with her. She was always busy with something or talking to someone else.

"No, don't look at me like that" she laughs and puts her hand over my eyes for a few quick seconds. "I really have to pee. Can you please get off me?" She laughs up at Maya.

"Not until you tell us what's wrong" Maya laughs as well.

I look back at Alex and she takes a deep breath. "If I tell you, you'll feel bad and I don't want that. Can we please just end this day feeling happy?"

"But you are not happy?" I object and frown at her in concern.

"Just tell us, please?" Maya says in a low voice.

"Okay fine" she sighs. "After my conversation with Jamie, I was a little upset because it made me think of my mother. It's almost the same thing right? Jamie didn't want her baby because she wants to fix her marriage and my mother chose her husband over us too."

Maya and I keep quiet for a second while giving her comfort with the touch of our hands.

"I'm not mad at Jamie. I'm sorry" she whispers and glances up at Maya.

"You're allowed to be mad, honey" Maya replies in a gentle tone. "I'm also still a little mad at her."

"But I hate the fact that I even thought about my mother. I don't want to think about her."

"It's normal baby" I say in a gentle tone. "The whole family was here except-"

"But she is not part of the family" she cuts me off with a deep sigh and I can see she doesn't like this conversation.

She always dismisses and redirects the conversation. This is probably the most we've ever talked about her in the last year.

"I know baby, but for a few years she was, and even though you try really hard to forget about her, days like these will make you think about her."

"I don't want toooooo" she whines and covers her face which makes Maya look at me in concern but then leans down to kiss her hands.

"You don't have too, I'm sorry, baby."

"It's okay." she whispers back and opens her face up again. "Can we please stop talking about it now?"

"Yes, but thank you for telling us" Maya smiles down at her before she gives her a kiss.

"I'm also emotional because I'm tired" Alex laughs. "It was a really long day."

"Yes, it was" I agree. "But thank you for everything you did for my birthday." I smile and look at both of them.

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