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Jèlaní POV:

Me and CJ ended up deciding to get a Uber, to get to the party, since me noir CJ have one. We'd always relied on Everett to get us to and from places. All we have to do is sit there look good and be the passengers lol, or Passenger princesses that CJ calls it. We rode in the Uber for about 15 to 20 mins. The party wasn't at all far from my house, so that was great, for when CJ gets blackout drunk. He says he's not, but I've known CJ my whole life, and whenever he's tells me his little party stories. It always ends up with him blacked or drunk as fuck making out with the next guy. I figured throughout this party I'll spend it chaperoning the bestie, how fun (NOT). But still I don't really mind because I know people be crazy out here. Wither there trying to assault somebody, drug you, or can't understand the simple concept of NO. So most definitely imma make sure he's safe.

Once we got out the car, CJ pulled me towards the party and the partygoers. There was people everywhere. The front yard of their house was filled with red cups, with half drunken liquor in it. Empty Beer cans smashed in the dirt. Everyone was definitely shit faced wasted, and was going to feel the after effects in the morning. We reached the porch, and some dudes were staring at us, some a mixture of disgust and the rest lust. Pushed CJ forward so we can hurry in the house. We didn't even have to knock because the door was flung open and a heaping amount of smoke hit our faces. Me and CJ coughed and glanced at each other's before both saying "Damn". We stepped into the house filled with what looks like more than a 100 people. But to be fair the house we was in, was relativity big, who am I kidding this shit was huge. I looked around taking in my whole surroundings. There was a huge staircase placed in front of the entrance of the house, with a red carpet covering
it, tall ceilings with a crystal chandelier hanging overhead. When I turned my eyes, I noticed the lighting was set to red, to fit the move. People were moving around with low red eyes, as the swung and danced to music playing in the background. I turned back around to face CJ when I realized he's ass was gone, mind you it's barely been over 5 mins since we stepped into this house.

I decided to walk into the living room with the red lights, I stood on my tippy toes, to see if I can see his brown curly hair within the crowd. I looked around until I felt something off but I just struggled it off. Unbeknownst to him,that something was, eyes lurking on him from across the room. Pushing my way through the crowd, I finally made it to the drinks, displaying on a table I don't if the kitchen isle. Seeing that they had some type of punch concoction, I grabbed a cup and poured some into it. I stood there occasionally swaying my hips to the music, while lightly sipping on whatever was in the punch. But all I know this shit was strong. A couple of minutes past and my eyes now focused on the curly headed brunette I've been looking for. CJ was steady grinding on some random guy, he turned around to wink and call me over to join. I shook my head no. " Go ahead, have fun I'll be here". Rolling his eyes he finally spoke to me and said "Ahhhh fine" and stuck his tongue out at me, continuing what he was doing with who knows what. A nudged to my cup made me drift my eyes to the ground as some of my drink spilled on the floors and my shoes. I sighed because these were brand new. I hastily grabbed a napkin from the kitchen counter and wiped it off. Thankfully when I did it was coming out. I threw the napkins in the garbage, and trailed back to where I was last standing, I wasn't paying attention so I bumped into something or should I say someone. The way I was pushed back I can tell the person was tall and well built. I hesitated, but in the end looked up to meet piercing blue eyes. He didn't say a word as he looked down at me, and I looked up at him. He was tall but not that tall, if that makes sense. He was taller than me by 3 to 4 inches . I watched as the lights reflected on His smooth chocolate skin, and the way his lips curled into a smile showing his personality white teeth. I followed the motion of him licking his lips, before I snapped out of it. "Ohhh.. I'm sorry I wasn't really paying attention to where I was going, my bad". I didn't even make eye contact to him as I spoke my eyes drifted down, and it was then when I noticed his tattoos, that covered a good amount of his arms. I felt a hand snake out and lifted my face up to meet their eyes. " Shawty my eyes up here not down there, when you speaking to me you gotta look me in the eyes". I felt my face heating up, starting to blushing. He's hand still gripped my face while my eyes diverted to the side. "Why you all shy pretty". I turned back to face him. No one has every called my pretty before, well except CJ but I just chalked that up to his being my bestie. To be told this by not only a guy, but a fine one at that was unexpectedly good. I couldn't help the smile from showing up on my face. " That's it love, now what's your name". "It's...." But before I could finish someone pushed through the crowd and was now standing next to me a mysterio. "What up Teo, how you been". The hand that was once holding my chin was gone, and my attention was facing the guy who so rudely ruined the moment. My face instantly frowned up. Just as I was doing it I heard a "Fix your face from both of them". As I looked closer I noticed who this guy was. He's my dumb brother friend, the one who kept staring at me all weirdly . "Yo what's up man, I didn't know you'd be out here with us tonight"

"Ye well i decided I got not shit else to do, so I said let my just pull up, and see what's this party all about. Anyone I see you got you a little shorty right here" I looked at both males and the other didn't feel phased on what's so ever the other had said. Their eyes was just transfixed on me. I started to squirm under their stares. But it wasn't of disgust, but of more. I realised I was looking down again when he instantly placed his hands and hooked it behind my neck, gripping it not too tight, yet just enough while rubbing it up and down. I felt another pair of hands make it to the small of my back. The guy I now know as Teo was now fully behind me, he was so close that I could feel his breath run up my neck.  He inched closer to where he was hovering over my ear. " you know you so fine, got me wanting you and shit" he placed his face in the crook of my neck, while continuing to rub circles on my lower back. There touch and gaze was setting me off getting me hot. I was subconsciously leaning more into n
Both of their touches. "Love just to remind you a lil something of us" snaking his hand back around to the front of my neck, he made me look up at him. "Remember this. I'm Jamal and he's Mateo, and you going to be seeing us around more love" I bit my lips. What the fuck I got myself into. I swear this just might be my last outing. I let out a sigh and rolled my eyes.

To Be Continued .......

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