Solar System

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The Solar System comprises of eight planets known as mercury, venus, Earth, mars, Jupiter,Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and a dwarf planet known as pluto. The solar system also has a medium-sized star known as the sun. During this report, I will be covering everything to do with the solar system covering key points.


The Solar System formed around 4.568 billion years ago. As our own nebula started to collapse under its own pressure of gravity matter started pressing together to form larger clumps. This ended up creating a protostar (a star where its heat is generated from friction) but when the temperature reached around 18 million degrees nuclear fusion started occurring. This then gave birth to the star in our solar system known as the sun. This was born 4.5 billion years ago and was the starting piece of the solar system. The sun started doing a nuclear reaction known as fusion this is where it fuses hydrogen atoms together making helium atoms this produces larger amounts of heat and light. The solar system being put together from a distance may have looked peaceful but in fact it is said that this could have been one of the most violent events in the cosmos. With gravity pulling asteroids together to form larger clumps of rock to form planets such as  mercury, venus, earth and mars. Gases also pulled together to create the gaseous planets known as Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Once all these gases or rocks have pulled together it forms planets, moons and dwarf planets. 

Modern Solar System

Today the solar system consists of the sun and eight other planets known as Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. The solar system is also home to many dwarf planets the most commonly known one is pluto due to the fact as just a few years ago it was considered a planet but due to size it was the reconsidered as a dwarf planet. Pluto is not the only dwarf planet in our Solar System there it is believed to be over 100 dwarf planets awaiting discovery within our Solar System alone. Other dwarf planets that may be well known that are located in our Solar System include Ceres, Haumea and Makemake. The Solar System today is much calmer than its younger days as its development today is complete. The Solar System is expected to be around for a few more billion years until the sun runs out of its hydrogen supply and when that occurs the sun will engulf or swallow the all the planets. The Solar System also has an asteroid belt located between the orbit of mars and Jupiter.

(Image of current Current Solar System)

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