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Amity: Why did I agree to do this!?

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Amity: Why did I agree to do this!?

Luz: Because you love me so much.

Amity: I regret doing this with all my soul.

Luz: I am deeply sorry mi amour.

Amity: Anyway 0/10.

Luz: People argue that it's like us but we barely knew each other Boscha has bullied Willow for years and years.

(Amity calls Boscha)

Boscha(on scroll): What do you want Blight?

Amity: You and Willow, thoughts?

Boscha(on scroll): Fuck that I'm out, and fuck her too.

(Boscha hangs up.)

Luz: I mean that's what the artists want them to do.

Amity: LUZ!!!!

Luz: Sorry, sorry 0/10.

Amity: Definitely.

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