Highest Bidder

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Callum Stube watched his younger brother closely as they wound their way through the auction crowd. The sun was beating down on the crowd, a mix of wealthy and super wealthy. Many parasols dotted the gathering. Many shouts as the merchandise, people, we sorted by caste and ability. Some were clearly slaves, bound by chains or in cages. Others, servants and personal butlers, hoping to auction their services for a high price.

The Duke of the East was shorter than many expected. His was of average height and muscular build. The prime specimen for good health and a keen mind. His eyes were dark, like Callum's, but occasionally flashed with a hint of red in the right light. It was the only trait they shared, their eyes. Callum was keen and quick and tall, but his muscles didn't stand out like cords under his skin. Their hair was of similar style, but where Callum's was an average light brown, the Duke's was white through and through.

If ladies hadn't heard the rumor of his demonic possession, they fell over him. But the evidence was there if one knew to look. Unnaturally strong. Unnaturally colored. Unnaturally quick in mind and action.

Until today, where matters of marriage were concerned.

"You're sure this will work?" Duke Kane asked his brother. His eyes roved over the gathered people for sale.

"We've tried the traditional route. Hire a wife, take her east, and fix it. Once women know you're not a threat, proper Ladies will be interested."

"But I'll be married."

"You'll be engaged. Easy enough to undo. We can always say that she's barren, or broke your heart, that'll get some sympathy for the next one."

"Or we could keep looking."

"It's been three years. You're constantly in the field, we need someone to manage the household."

Kane's eyes flashed red briefly. "Or we could steal one."

Callum crossed his arms and remained silent as the auctioneer began selling lives. Kane was in a mood. He vowed to focus on a finding an impeccable household manager.

The auction shifted through to the servants looking for work as the wealthy sweat in their suits. Some were snapped up due to reputation. Others left in worse straits and shuffled off the stage, dejected.

A young woman, likely in her early twenties, passed a page to the caller and stepped toward the center of the small wooden stage.

"Analina, no surname. Household manager for the Wayback Inn in Lenore, servicing the Caruther's Copper Mines. Adept at finance and letters, managing a household staff, food service, to the clientele of working men..."

As the auctioneer listed her experience and began the bidding, Callum grabbed his brother's arm. "That one. Bid."

Kane snorted. "She ain't a Lady."

"She's got everything we need. She's the right age, too. Bid."

The auctioneer called out her monthly price, a respectable 200 gold, room and board.

Analina tipped her chin in the air, as if daring others to choose her. She knew her worth. She was lean from hard work, with rough hands and a silent strength that could be seen glowing from within. The bid went higher, 225.

Callum's mouth went dry. He stared at her unfashionably short brown hair, one braid running freely and capped with a metal stud. Her plain dress was fitted well by a seamstress. The look on her face, calm and unshakable. She may not have fit the part of a lady, like some in the crowd, but that was only cosmetic. He felt drawn to her and knew none other would do.

He elbowed Duke Kane. "I'm telling you, bid!"

Kane sighed and raised his hand. "500, room and board, Lady of the Eastern Territory."

The crowd hushed, and even her resolute demeanor was shaken for a moment.

There were no other bids.

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