Lady of the East

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The carriage ride was long. It wouldn't do to shop within his own borders, so Duke Kane Stube had gone far south to seek a wife. On the way back they were able to see many new locales, though Kane didn't want to stop for anything but the minimum amount of sleep his human companions needed. This was not a leisurely trip.

They discussed the details of her contract: she would play the part of a Lady and run the household as an extended engagement. 500 gold a month, paid out in cash. She would have her own rooms, and if she managed the finances well, her own staff.

"And intimacy?" she asked. "If I am to play your fiancée, what are the limits there?"

"Limits?" Kane said, his presence filling his side of the small carriage. "If you must set limits let us keep to the traditional - no intercourse until marriage. Friendly displays of affection. A kiss, for show."

She nodded, laced her fingers together, and looked out the window. The long trip felt longer with the silence lingering.

"You'll need a last name," he said.

"Lenore is fine, it's where I was born."


Several minutes later, Kane effectively ruined the ride. "You know, Callum made me buy you. You'd better be worth it."

"I am not bought like a slave, Your Grace. You have purchased a contract, which I hope you had read before signing. I am not property, I provide a service."

"I'm sure Callum read that," he said dismissively.

Analina ground her teeth and fought back the urge to give a lecture on reading contracts. Faking a marriage to this man would be more difficult than she thought. But the money was too good - if she was careful, she'd be able to move her sister and niece out of Lenore in under a year, far ahead of their accelerated plan.

She spent her time planning how to spend her money, provided she didn't throw him out of the carriage first.

It was obvious when they crossed the border to the east. The forest grew darker, the road narrower. A contingent of guards emerged from a small guard house on the border to escort them home. Analina could hear Callum greet his comrades from horseback next to the carriage. She started to piece together his role as captain of the guard.

Not many people ventured East, not with monsters about.

A territory governed by a demon-possessed Duke, where the prime export was monster bits for jewelry, magic, medicine, and trophies. She had heard the rumors. Trade went out, not in.

What she didn't expect was the change in Kane.

His posture shifted as they went further along the road. He had the air of a large cat ready to pounce. His elbow rested against the window and he looked out at the forest with what she could only describe as hunger. Even his eyes seemed to glow from within.

"My Lord Kane," she said carefully, "is it true about the possession?"

He looked back at her and smiled. It both warmed her inside and shot her with fear.

"What do you think, my lady?" he replied in a voice not quite his own.

She crushed her fear and set in place a confident mask. It's not like she hadn't met demons before. This one couldn't be nearly as bad as the demon of Lenore. "I don't think I'm talking to the Duke right now."

His grin grew wider. He didn't hide how pleased he was. With his full attention, it felt like standing on the edge of a cliff.

"Does this have to do with crossing the border?"

He leaned back, lazily studying her. "My power is stronger within the East, due to our Pact. But he was also getting sleepy on the ride over and it makes it easier to push him over." He licked his lips and quickly - obviously- surveyed her up and down. "And I wanted to meet you."

She was suddenly chilled. "Why me?"

"If you're to be my wife, I'd like to know you."

"My contract is with Duke Kane."

"He's not worth it, I can assure you." His fingertips rested lightly on her knee in front of him. They slid forward ever so slightly. "Me, on the other hand..."

Where he touched her she became warm, even through the layers of fabric. This was definitely not Kane.

"Rakshasa," she scolded in the demon tongue. He froze. She couldn't tell from his expression if he was angry or impressed. "You will not touch me without my permission."

"You know our language?" he asked, withdrawing back to his seat. She felt like she had more room to breathe, to think.

"I know enough to enforce some boundaries."

"Im surprised that you pulled out one of our True Names so quickly." He spread his legs and leaned forward on his seat, trapping her between his knees without actually touching her, as she wished. "Does that mean you're afraid of me?"

"Never," she quickly answered.

He reached forward, his hands touching the seat beside her, trapping her further. Analina's back was pressed against the seat, but she couldn't help thinking that if they hit a bump she would be tossed directly into him.

She tried to pinpoint what his scent was, for even that had changed subtly as the demon took over the Duke's body. If he didn't back away soon, she might try to find out by getting closer...

"Monsters!" A cry from outside broke the spell.

"This will be fun," the demon said, intentionally brushing by her legs as he exited the carriage, reaching back for his sword in the cab.

Given her racing heart, Analina wasn't sure if he was referencing the ensuing murder of monsters, or the games he was playing with her.

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