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I was never pastel though I wish I could be
Dancing in the moonlight of a romance movie
Playing the part of a perfect heroine
Dining whilst listening to the violin

I was never pastel but how I long for
Something to rattle me to my very core
Picnics at sunsets
The composing of sonnets
Picking flowers out of my bonnet

I wish I were anything but what I am
A shadow of darkness wherever i glance
To be the very picture of charm
So that he might just give me a chance

I wish I were pastel for all of these things
For I heard you liked those colours most
Playing their fiddles, plucking their strings
If only you saw me, I feel like a ghost

I wish I were louder
I hide in your night
I dance,  but you won't see me in the moonlight
They heard of me once and thought 'blight'

Alas, I am no blight, I am a mystery
Though I can see how that may cause some misery
They are often afraid of the unknown
So I stand here all on my own

You did not see me,  no one has
Though we walk in similiar paths
I wish only to touch your hand
And they will simply think I am grand

I am not pastel, I am the darkest black
A colour, it seems,  does not attract
I shall touch your hand and become a grey
Maybe then they will all stay.

Abigail Sookhoo

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