Unwanted surprises

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Look at this beauty pls ! Why is he so perfect ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯ ? 

Yn's POV :

I was sitting in my room, chatting with Jiyeon and Jimin when I heard the main doorbell ring, and it was opened by my parents. Laughter and a child's voice filled the air, but since my mother had many friends who visited her every day, I chose to ignore them. I continued chatting until I heard footsteps...

Author's POV :

They arrived and were warmly greeted by Lee's parents, just as they always had been. As for Eunwoo, he couldn't stop asking his parents about Yn; he was excited to know who she was. Despite his parents' insistence about a surprising reveal, they told him to wait until they gathered in the living room.

Eunwoo: "Mom! Dad! Who's Yn?"

Jennie: "Sweetie, just wait a little, okay?"

Eunwoo: *Pouted

Once they all sat in the living room, they started discussing a variety of topics, but Taehyung remained silent, leaving everyone confused. To ease the atmosphere, Mrs. Kim instructed Taehyung to go upstairs and bring Yn down. Not wanting to embarrass his parents, he did as he was told.

He ascended the stairs to Yn's room, knocked first, and then entered to find Yn lying on her bed, talking with her friends. He maintained his cold demeanor and said:

Taehyung: "Come on, they're waiting for you."

Yn hung up the phone and replied, "Alright," without making eye contact. She seemed scared to meet his gaze, not wanting to appear vulnerable. He left the room, and Yn followed him.

Everyone was smiling, finally seeing them together, even though their faces weren't as bright as expected. Eunwoo, on the other hand, stayed next to his mother, unsure of what to do or say.

His mother, noticing his behavior, said:

Jennie: "Eunwoo, here is Yn. She's Taehyung's wife!"

Eunwoo: "Oh, really?"

Hearing that his uncle had gotten married excited him, and he jumped at Yn, smiling like a bunny, and hugged her. He even suggested they go to the garden, but before they could leave, Mr. Lee asked them to stay. Yn remained in her place, waiting for the news they were about to share with her.

Mrs. Lee: "Well, Yn, we've planned a honeymoon trip for you and Taehyung! Isn't that exciting?"

Yn was shocked and blushed a little, not even aware of it. She simply said, "Thank you," politely, and followed her young friend.

When they arrived in the garden, Yn saw Eunwoo playing with his puppy. Being a big animal lover, she rushed to join them and started playing too.

Taehyung, passing by, saw them having fun and a slight smile appeared on his face. He had never seen his nephew happier than he was today.

After a few hours, they all had dinner together. While eating, Yn received a message from her mother-in-law, who asked her to come to the balcony. She politely apologized before leaving the dining room and joined her mother-in-law, where she received another shocking piece of news.

Mrs. Kim: "Darling, how is Taehyung in the bedroom?" She said with a smirk, looking at the lingerie she had to give to Yn.

Yn: "Uh?"

Mrs. Kim: "Don't tell me you've never...?"

Yn remained silent, clearly confused. Mrs. Kim, understanding the situation, said:

Mrs. Kim: "Oh, I'm sorry if my son has been distant. But take these; I'm sure he won't be able to resist you." She handed Yn a box.

Yn accepted it hesitantly and opened it, clearly embarrassed. Once again, Mrs. Kim understood her feelings and reassured her.

Mrs. Kim: "It's okay to feel embarrassed, sweetie. I know what you're thinking, but remember that nobody is forcing you to do anything you don't want to. It's just a suggestion."

Yn nodded and left the room. She couldn't understand why they wanted them to be intimate when there was no love between her and Taehyung. Perhaps, she speculated, it was about wanting grandchildren. Nevertheless, all she wanted was peace; she had long given up expecting anything more from Taehyung, who had already made his disinterest quite clear.

Exhausted and longing for some rest, she headed to her bedroom, hoping to finally get some sleep. But once again, her peaceful moment was interrupted by another call. With a firm determination to remain polite, she went to see who was calling, only to find her mother on the other end of the line.

Her mother delivered the surprising news that she and Taehyung were set to travel tomorrow. Unable to believe what she had just heard, she retreated to her room without uttering a word. The weight of it all was almost too much to bear. It felt as though all her parents wanted from her and Taehyung were grandchildren, completely unaware of the difficulties they were facing. In their eyes, it seemed so simple, and that sense of selfishness weighed heavily on her mind. "They're definitely being so self-centered," she murmured to herself.

Regarding Taehyung, his disappointment in his parents exceeded even Yn's.

"Do they not realize how occupied I am with my job?" he pondered while fully engrossed in his work. 

Author's note : My imagination is wild 🗿Sorry again for writing a short chapter. But to inform you, don't expect chapters crossing the 1000 words anymore. That was only to introduce the story that's why :) 

EDIT : I think that it's the worst chapter ever ! I can admit that I made Mrs.Kim a little annoying and that's the same for Mrs.Lee 😭Sorry guys !

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