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Chapter 3

Wednesday, 3:30 pm

In the bunker

Danny's POV

I just got home from school, and I'm already being bothered with homework. I literally just walked through the door. Can I have a fucking minute? Damn.

Danny: Can I have a full 60 seconds, first?

Uncle Sam: I'm just reminding you. You forget a lot.

I don't forget. I just choose not to do it. But you don't need to know that. If you knew that, we'd argue, and I'm not in the mood to argue, right now.

Danny: Yeah, but I remember, today. I just need a minute. I literally just walked through the door, and you're already on my ass about homework.

Uncle Sam: Watch your language.

Danny: As if you guys don't say way worse.

Uncle Sam: Danny, just because your Dad isn't home, doesn't mean you can talk to me however you want to.

That's actually exactly what that means. Dad's not here to yell at me for being disrespectful, so I'll say whatever the hell I want. Thanks.

Danny: Whatever. I'm going to my room. Where, yes, my homework will get done.

He sighs, but lets me go about my business. I go to my room and throw my book bag on my bed. I'm absolutely, for certain, NOT about to do my homework. I don't know who Uncle Sam thought he was talking to, but it couldn't have been me. Since when have I ever gotten home and wanted to do homework? Never. That's not gonna change, now. While I'm trying to figure out better things to do, I get a text from Krissy. Of course, I'm gonna answer it, because it's not like I'm about to do my homework or something.

Krissy: So I'm going to a party tonight, and Aidan and Josephine are too busy to come with me. Do you wanna come? I was gonna invite you anyway.🤷🏻‍♀️

Danny: What kind of party?🤔 Like a party that you have with your parents? Or a party that your parents can't know about?

The second option is way more interesting to me. I wanna go to a party that Dad can't find out about.

Krissy: A party that your Dad can't find out about. Dean would have a fucking cow, if he knew that we even THOUGHT about going to this party.

Danny: Tonight?

Krissy: What?

Danny: The party. It's tonight?

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