I hadn't thought it all the way through yet

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Chapter 18

Friday, 6:15 pm

In the bunker

Danny's POV

I'm in the living room, trying to get Dad to let me go out. He keeps saying no, because of what happened this morning.

Danny: It wasn't even that big of a deal. You're just looking for a reason to say no.

Dad: I don't have to look. I already have one. You can't do things like what you did this morning, and expect to be able to go out and have fun.

All I did was tell him to fuck off, when he said that I had to go to school. I don't see the big deal. That wasn't the first time I've told him to fuck off. He's just choosing to be difficult.

Danny: All I did was say "Fuck off". And that wasn't even the first time.

Dad: That's the problem, Danny. I'm your father. I can't let you talk to me like that. You're gonna show me some respect, or you're not going out.

Danny: Fine. I won't say that anymore.

Dad: It's not just about that, though. Not just that one thing that you said. It's about all of the disrespectful things that you say, that I keep letting you get away with, because I didn't wanna discipline you.

Danny: Dad-

Dad: Daniel, you're staying home, and that's final. Until you learn to be respectful, you're not going anywhere but school.

Danny: Seriously? This isn't fair. All because I said one thing to you that you didn't like?

Dad: No. All because you keep saying things that are disrespectful to say to your parent. I'm not gonna keep letting you disrespect me. It's either you're staying home and trying again next weekend, or I'll spank you for being disrespectful. Your pick.

Danny: The way that I talk to you is your own fault, anyway. You never taught me to respect my elders-

Dad: Elders?

Danny: Yeah. Elders. Old man. I say as I walk out of the room.

If he wants to make me stay home, then I'm gonna make him feel like an old man. I win, because I said so. I also win because I'm just gonna sneak out. I was only asking, to be nice. But I'm going out whether Dad likes it or not. I told my friend I'd be there, so I'm gonna fucking be there. And hell, I might even take Emily with me. She wanted to go somewhere yesterday, and couldn't, so I might take her with me. Once to my room, I find Emily, going through my hoodies, which is a regular thing. I don't mind.

Danny: Hey.

Emily: Hey. She says while peeking over her shoulder, to look at me.

Danny: You wanna go somewhere?

Emily: Your Dad said yes?

Danny: No. But I'm willing to sneak out. I'm going to anyway. I just figured you might wanna come with me.

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