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1. Rules are rules. So be nice and kind, don't be racists nor homophobic and such, pretty easy rule to follow.

2. Be at least descriptive and unique with forms especially with characters. Five ocs is the limit, surprisingly yeah.

3. No one liners, pretty self explanatory honestly, just make it at least three sentences or more.

4. Don't divert from the main path nor don't add anything extra unless it small drama because I have it planned out from a tv show and I don't want anything messed up. Ideas are helpful but don't just randomly add anything.

5. There will be certain times for each chapter, how long they will run for until I make the next chapter. So this will go slowly and then it will start having plot twists and drama between teachers, students, etc. Also this will be different every chapter, yes that will happen but it will have timeskip sort of from each event and then it will lead up to one big main plot.

6. Be active please, I mean I have three more roleplays that I never started and can start them but still, please be active at least.

7. No smut or such, making out and stuff is fine but no other things. Also swearing is fine just censor it.

8. Important rule, have fun.

9. There is a chance your character will die, so be warned of that because of what we are doing and the themes in this book

10. Dark themes, murder, death, and other things so fair warning, nothing too bad but like ya know - horror, mystery, thriller, supernatural type stuff almost like Dr. Who but without all the doctors.

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