chapter 6

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"MOYONG JING! GIVE IT BACK!!" Moyong Yue raced after her cousin with fierce determination, her eyes narrowed as she clutched her fist tight. Her cousin was always stealing her wooden sword, he had done it countless times before. She knew that he did it to get a rise out of her, to see her get mad, but she was never gonna let him get away with it again.

Moyong Yue's legs pumped as fast as they could, her white hair flowing behind her like a cloud as she ran. Her cousin, Moyong Jing; who was four years older than her, was quick and nimble, always one step ahead. He grinned mischievously as he jumped and dodged out of her reach, waving her wooden sword in the air.

"Try and catch it~!" He taunted her, sticking out his tongue and waving the sword in her face. Moyong Yue's fists clenched, her teeth grinding as she continued to chase after him. Her determination was fierce, she was going to catch him and take her sword back, no matter what.

Moyong Yue refused to give up. The two raced around the training ground, dodging and jumping over obstacles. Moyong Yue was determined to catch her cousin and retrieve her wooden sword. The chase continued for what seemed like an eternity, with Moyong Yue's legs burning with exhaustion. Finally, just as she was about to give up, she saw her chance. Her cousin hesitated for a moment, and she managed to grab hold of his robe.

Moyong Yue's heart beat with exhilaration as she pulled him towards her and took hold of her wooden sword. She was triumphant, holding her sword aloft in triumph. 

Her cousin, however, refused to admit defeat. He sneered at her, "You may have won this time, but I'll be back to steal your sword again. You just wait and see." 

Moyong Yue stood tall, her chest puffed out with pride. She knew that the battle was far from over, but for now, she had emerged victorious. She had proved once again that she was the better swordsman, and her cousin couldn't take that away from her.

The white-haired girl was caught off guard as her cousin's leg struck out, kicking her sword away from her grasp. She could only watch in despair as he snatched the sword from her and taunted her with a wide grin before running away, "Hahaha!! Slowpoke!!"

 She was left standing there, feeling helpless, while her cousin's laughter echoed in her ears. It was a humiliating defeat. Despite her frustration, she refused to give up. She quickly picked herself up and ran after him, determined to retrieve her sword and prove herself as a capable swordsman.

But her cousin was fast, and no matter how quickly she ran, he always seemed to be one step ahead. Moyong Yue gritted her teeth, refusing to let him get away with another victory, she jumped at him, knocking him to the ground.

Moyong Yue and her cousin continued to tussle, each one determined to come out on top. As they fought, their breathing grew heavier, their sweat dripping down their faces. They were evenly matched, neither one willing to give an inch.

Moyong Yue was finally able to get the upper hand. She managed to grab her cousin's wrist and twist it, forcing him to drop the wooden sword. As she stood over him, she could feel the adrenaline rushing through her veins. 

However, Moyong Yue's victory was short-lived. Suddenly, her cousin grabbed a handful of her white hair and pulled her down toward him. She cried out in pain, but before he could react, she punched him in the face, sending him reeling backward.

The white-haired gasps when she punches him. "A-Are you alright? Sorry!" 

Moyong Jing tried to regain his footing, his head spinning from the hit. His cousin was on her feet now, her fists raised, ready to continue the fight. Moyong Yue knew she had to end this before it escalated any further. She launched herself at her cousin, determined to take him down once and for all.

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