chapter 20

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The sun sank low in the sky, casting a blue hour over the surroundings, Moyong Yue and Moyong Jing stood in front of the old sect, its once-pristine appearance now in ruins. Moyong Yue's eyes widened in shock and sorrow as she gazed upon it. But her shock turned to irritation as Moyong Jing's words broke the silence. "Oh... I forgot the sect is now in ruins," he said, with a faint hint of sadness in his voice.

Moyong Yue didn't waste any time expressing her displeasure. She swiftly hit his head, and he flinched. "Don't you dare say that to the sect Grandmother grew up in!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with anger. Moyong Jing instantly regretted his words and lowered his eyes. "Please forgive me," he said softly, offering a silent prayer to the ancestors.

The "brown" haired girl took a deep breath before turning to the damaged red door, the paint scraps hanging off its edges. "Is it true that Uncle cut off all ties with the sect Grandmother reforged?" she asked, her voice turning stern. Moyong Jing nodded solemnly, and she let out a strained sigh. "Does that mean we can't help the sect's finance department?" she asked, a hint of disappointment in her tone. He nodded again.

Moyong Yue's rage burned like a fiery inferno inside her chest as she screamed at the sky, "Shame on you, Uncle Moyong Peng, for being the son of the greatest swordwoman in all of China!" 

Moyong Jing frowned at her, shaking his head. "He's my father and Lord. Do not slander his name!" he exclaimed, trying to defend his father's honor.

But Moyong Yue was not ready to back down. "Do you expect me to hold my tongue when he himself banished me, kicked me out of my own family, and threatened to cut off my head when I'm innocent?! That's a major sin against the Moyong Family!" she cried out, her voice echoing across the mountains.

Suddenly, the door of the sect opened, and a man wearing a black robe uniform of the Mount Hua sect stepped out. "Who goes there?" he said, peering out at Moyong Yue and Moyong Jing. 

Moyong Jing bowed his head, placing his hands together in a show of respect. "Greetings, Great Brother of the Mount Hua Sect," he said, gesturing towards Moyong Yue. "My name is Moyong Jing, heir of the Moyong Family and leader of the second disciples. I came here to escort my relative here, she wants to join the sect."

As they waited for a response, Moyong Yue kept her eyes on the ground, her anger still burning hot. But she knew that she had to keep her emotions in check for the sake of her future in this sect.

Moyong Yue snapped out of her trance and bowed her head. "Hello, I am Moyong Yue." she greeted respectfully. Moyong Yue's heart raced with excitement as the three of them walked inside the sect, exploring its ancient ruins. And yet, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy as the Mount Hua sect's disciple was treated with such familiarity and respect.

The man in the uniform of the Mount Hua sect led the way through the dim corridors of the ruined sect. Moyong Yue looked around in wonder, taking in the ancient paintings on the walls, the chipped ceramic tiles on the floor, and the musty smell of dust that filled the air.

Despite the sect's dilapidated state, Moyong Yue couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as they made their way into the sect. It was a place that had been passed down for generations, a place where her ancestors had trained and honed their skills for decades.

Un Am seemed to sense her excitement, as he smiled at her with a warmth she had never experienced before. "It's an honor to have you here, Moyong Yue," he said, his voice filled with sincerity.

Before she could respond, Moyong Jing stepped in, his voice filled with a certain air of authority. "May I ask the disciple's name?" he inquired, gesturing towards Un Am with respect.

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