☆ᴡɪɴᴛᴇʀ ᴄʜɪʟʟꜱ ☆ 01

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hello- i see you've clicked on my book, well, thank you! i hope you enjoy my upcoming stories and oneshots. but before you start reading  this chapter contains: 

- top baku! bottom kiri! - fluff ^^ - smut?? not much but they make out?? - 3rd year AU ( a bit further in the future )  - [ also, i think i kinda made the personalities not so cannon, idk why the words just flowed like that hehe. ]

oh yea, forgot to add that bakugou and kirishima are not dating yet, and are just friends. they are also aged up so, in 3rd year.

                                                   ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

Winter was a time kirishima loves, with his whole heart. To the thick white blanket, to the warm hot chocolate as you're watching some tv, and even the snowball fights he always has with kami.  On the other hand though, bakugou absolutely hates, and despises the cold harsh weather. he was more of a summer guy. 

It was the 12th of December, Kirishima was just minding his own business as he was wearing his thick and warm sweater, sipping on his hot coco on his balcony, admiring the beautiful scene outside. He'd think to himself, 'how does bakugou not like winter!' then, it stuck him. And idea! the most genius one in his eyes, he puts himself on the mission to make, or at least try to make bakugou  like  winter! Kiri begins to rush fully chug his hot coco and runs out of his room to find him - where could he be? 

the first thing kiri thinks of, is to knock on bakugou's door. -KNOCK, KNOCK-  no answer. he tries again. and this time louder -KNOCK, KNOCK- He hears the door handle turning as the door opens.

''Bakugou? did you just wake up? bro! its 11:30, that's so unlike of you-'' kiri blurts out, as he tries to take a peek inside the dark room, it seems like a mess. 

Bakugou was livid, he was really tired from the training he did last night. "spit it out idiot, what do you want." his hair was a mess, and his eyes were quite baggy.  

"oh yea- i almost forgot what i came here for!" kiri was excited, "lets go out today! anywhere, wherever you like!" 

All bakugou did was look at his face like he was crazy.. and that was for a good two minutes. "are you crazy? im too tired to deal with your energy today, and plus, its fucking cold. i dont wanna go, just go with someone like dumb pikachu or tape arms "

" no! its a day for just me and you - like a date! please- " kiri pleads, and bakugou couldn't resist the face he makes when he  really  wants something. 

Bakugou stands there for a few minutes to get his act together, and then he finally says, " fine, but i swear down if you take too long to get ready i'm not going, "

Kirishima was over the moon, he knew he would easily sway bakugou to go with him. "all right! i'll meet you outside the dorms at hmm- 1;00. "

" tch.. " bakugou goes inside his room and slams the door. 

- inside with bakugou - 

bakugou's face becomes flushed with red and pink, he started to feel warm too. This feeling, what is it? He finally decides to open his blinds and tidy up his bed before he does anything else, but he still can't stop thinking about what kiri said ;"like a date-"  shit.. he cant stop thinking about him, what he said.. he turns even more red [bakugou got the love fever bad bro]

as he does so, he glances at his clock, shit! its 12:40, he hasn't even showered! bakugo rushes to get everything done, and he barely got downstairs and outside at time, he was 15 minutes late.

BAKUKIRI ONESHOTSOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant