the Scarf

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This story inspired by this art
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"Medkit and Subspace were having a fistfight while the snow was falling on them

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"Medkit and Subspace were having a fistfight while the snow was falling on them. Medkit wasn't wearing the right clothes for a snowy day; he wore his normal clothes, which made him weaker.

Subspace sneered, 'Pathetic!' as he looked down at Medkit lying in the snow. Medkit breathed heavily, feeling pain and cold. He knew he would pass out soon.

As Medkit was about to close his eyes, the last thing he saw was Subspace taking off his scarf. Too tired to think, Medkit passed out.

Snow fell on his head, and his entire body felt cold, except his neck, which was warm. Medkit reached to his neck and realized he was wearing a red scarf. But from whom? After a few minutes, he remembered being with Subspace last. Of course, they were fighting. Medkit examined the scarf closely until he realized it was Subspace's.

Confused, he wondered why Subspace would give it to him instead of just killing him. Medkit was about to throw the scarf away but felt something inside him urging him not to. He canceled his plan and left when he felt a bit recovered.

At the Crossroads, amidst the snowy landscape, many people were present, including the hot pink demon taking a walk. He decided to take a break from making new inventions. While walking, the scientist noticed a familiar red scarf—Medkit was wearing it.

Subspace was confused. Why did Medkit keep that scarf? He was sure Medkit would either leave it or tear it up. Subspace watched Medkit from afar, smiling under his gas mask.

Medkit noticed Subspace watching him and walked towards him.

"What are you looking at?" Medkit asked, irritated.

"Just wondering why you WEAR my damn scarf!! I thought you would leave it or something!" Subspace said in his usual cheerful tone, annoying Medkit even more.

"What did you expect? You think I would just get myself sick? I wear it for my own good. This doesn't mean I like you or whatever it is. I still hate you, Subspace," Medkit retorted, glaring at the hot pink demon.

Subspace chuckled at Medkit's reaction. "I thought you wore it because you like me, Meddy~"

This angered Medkit even more. "I still phucking hate you, Subspace. I would never forgive what you've done."

"I'll keep your words, Meddy!!" Subspace said, answering in a totally opposite tone.

Medkit, tired of Subspace's antics, turned away and left, still holding the scarf close to him.

Continuing to walk, Medkit stopped and looked at the scarf. It was very important to him. Subspace was still watching from afar. Medkit looked at the snow, then the scarf, then the snow again. He took one more step but noticed Subspace was still behind him, watching.

Subspace was confused. Why did the person who hated him the most keep his stuff? Subspace smiled under his gas mask. Medkit turned to look at Subspace, confused. He thought Subspace would hate him for wearing his scarf, but he didn't.

He looked at the scarf again and walked closer to Subspace.

"Why aren't you mad at me for wearing your scarf?" Medkit asked in his usual cold tone.

"And why are you fine wearing my scarf? You are the one who hated me the most!" Subspace replied, their questions sounding similar.

"Didn't I say the reason earlier? I'm wearing your scarf for the cold, not to remind me of you. The only thing that reminds me of you are..." Medkit trailed off, not knowing how to finish his sentence.

"Huh? That's kinda sweet words from a sworn enemy!" Subspace chuckled.

"Shut up, bastard. I didn't say anything sweet. I hate you, Subspace," Medkit retorted, looking away, embarrassed.

Subspace nodded as a sign he already knew that. They both somehow were really close, face to face.

Something inside Subspace urged him to kiss Medkit, the same with Medkit. They both felt a strange feeling inside them.

"I hate you so much. I want to punch you so bad. I also hate your gas mask," Medkit said.

"What?!!! If you didn't spill acid on me, I wouldn't wear this gas mask!! It's your fault if you hate this gas mask!" Subspace argued.

They both began to argue until Medkit said surprising words.

"I told you, I hate your gas mask. It's the only thing that prevents me from kissing your face. And for your information, I do what I want," Medkit blurted out, immediately realizing what he just said. He became embarrassed again, causing Subspace to smirk under his gas mask.

"Hmm? What was that??" Subspace teased.

"Hush," Medkit said, becoming even more embarrassed and hiding behind his scarf. He blushed and tried his best to hide his face.

Medkit started to walk away, still holding the scarf close to his neck. Subspace pulled down the scarf and kissed Medkit.

This action shocked Medkit. At first, he was surprised by the kiss, but after a moment, he kissed Subspace back. Subspace pulled away.

"You should watch your words, Meddy!!" Subspace said.

"I'm not complaining," Medkit replied.

He then looked at the scarf now in his hand. "Oh, I forgot it's yours. Do you want your scarf back?"

"Nope, you can keep it," Subspace replied, taking the scarf and putting it on Medkit.

Medkit was surprised when Subspace put the scarf on him. He looked at Subspace, who seemed to like the fact that he was holding Subspace's scarf. Subspace grabbed the scarf and put it on Medkit.

Medkit was surprised when Subspace put the scarf on him. He looked at Subspace, who seemed to like the fact that he was holding Subspace's scarf.

"You barely smile, you know," Subspace commented.

"Yes, that's because of you. I..." Medkit started to say before looking at Subspace again and suddenly kissing him on the lips. He hid his face again, blushing more than ever, trying his best to hide behind his scarf.

Subspace hugged Medkit, who was slightly smaller than him. Subspace was really clingy and more like a clingy top.

Medkit hugged Subspace back, smiling while hugging him. He still held onto the scarf that was now around his neck. They stayed like this for a moment, sitting on the snow with Subspace hugging Medkit.

"Love you, Meddy!!" Subspace said.

"I love you too," Medkit replied.

Medkit held onto Subspace tighter, and they stayed like that for some time until the snow started to fall.

"Hmm, it's snowing!! Let's go, Meddy!!" Subspace said, standing up and offering a hand to Medkit.

Medkit stood up and held Subspace's hand. He still had the scarf around his neck. They both walked while holding each other's hands. They arrived at Medkit's house and cuddled."

-The end


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