Chapter 2

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Meggy: so if your in a situation life or death... so punch the plush Tari.

Tari: But it's so cute! *holds plushie*

Meggy: okay this isn't going to work....
How about you punch this? *she brings out a watermelon*

Mario: *in the background passing by+ AHAHHASNWJANKAJALANWJWNAJJQKQK *runs away, while Meggy and Tari are just watching*

Tari: Umm I can do this! *she tries punching it but misses*

Meggy: You got this just try again!

*Tari is missing over and over and over*

Meggy: how about we work up to the punch?

Tari: Okay... :,)

*Meggy and Tari and going to the show grounds and a snowstorm happens "I forgot to mention it's winter*

Tari: Meggy! Are you there?

Meggy: I'm here! Just try to get out of this snowstorm!

*they find a cabin, so they go inside and lock the door*

Tari: Thank goodness we found shelter!

Meggy: Yeah! So we have enough food to survive a couple weeks, we have enough warmth to keep us alive, and we have two beds! That checks out

Tari: Meggy? We only have one bed.

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