Chapter 7

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Erika's P. O. V:

Rogue and the others race outside after us as the leader throws more of those Neutron bombs with her barrage spell.

"Lightning Magic: Storm Tortoise," I say. A tortoise out of lightning forms and hides its head before spinning rapidly, blocking the attack. The woman looks shocked before she readies her next attack, launching more bombs. I block that, too.

I hold out my hands and summon two thunderbolts. "Lightning Magic: Twin Thunder!" Two bolts of lightning shoot out before they merge into one that forms a drill, heading right for the pink haired woman.

She dodges and my attack slams into the ground.

The woman slams her foot into the earth and the ground breaks up into a fissure that snakes in my direction. I use my Lightning Rush spell to evade it.

"Lightning Make: Thunder Tiger!" I form a tiger out of lightning and it roars as it races towards my enemy. The tiger slashes at her with its claws but the woman dances away to avoid them.

The woman uses her Magic Manipulation Clap spell to destroy my attack. She then runs at me and slugs me in the stomach with a punch that sends me rocketing backwards.

I hit the ground and cough a few times before I slowly get to my feet.

"You're no match for my Strength Magic," She mocks.

"Hmph. We'll see about that," I huff before I hold out my hand. "Lightning Magic: Thunderbolt!" A bolt of lightning races down from the sky towards her but she dodges it and it hits the ground where she was standing before. I reuse the spell but the woman just dodges it.

"Magic Manipulation: Neutron Barrage!" She launches several of those bombs at me but I use my Storm Tortoise spell to block them.

"Lightning Magic: Crashing Thunder," I say and call upon a single bolt of lightning as lightning crackles in the sky. The woman lets out a gasp but narrowly manages to evade my attack as it strikes the ground, forming a crater.

"Lightning Make: Storm Bow," I say and form an archery bow out of lightning. An arrow forms and I launch it at the dark guild leader. She does two but one embeds in her right arm, making her cry out. I smirk before I lodge another arrow in her leg.

"Surrender," I command.

"N-Never!" She snaps back, glaring at me.

"Hmph. Very well, then. Lightning Magic: Shockwave," I say before I launch myself into the air. Lightning strikes the ground as I descend and an orb bursts and a shockwave explodes outward. It hits the dark guild leader and she screams before collapsing heavily to the ground.

Rogue is gazing at me in awe as I straighten and the lightning fades.

I turn my head to her comrades and they immediately shrink in fear and surrender.

Rogue asks as he comes up to me, "What's that Blue Lightning Magic? And what's this about you being The Storm Bringer?"

"I'll explain when we're back at the guild. Help me runs them up?" I respond as the blue lightning fades from my body. Rogue nods his head and together, we tie up the dark wizards before I call the Magic Council to come and fetch them.

While we wait, Fang heals Rogue and I.

It wasn't long before the Rune Knights arrive and they load the dark wizards into the awaiting carriage.

Lahar says to me as Rogue, Fang and Frosch stand beside me, "That's all of them. Good work, Storm Bringer."

Rogue gazes at me curiously as I brush off Lahar's comment. "It's actually Erika Stormborne."

"Forgive me. I only know you by your alias. We'll take over from here," Says the purple eyed man.

I nod my head in agreement as I say, "Thank you."

Lahar nods to my partners before he and his Rune Knights take their leave.

Lucas and his father run out and Lucas gushes, awe in his gaze. "You were incredible, Erika-chan! Just as strong as I remember from last time!"

I smile a little and say, "I did have help." I throw a pointed glance to the Shadow Dragon Slayer.

Lucas says, "Yeah, but you were the only one who protected me most of the time."

His father says to me and Rogue, "Why don't we go inside to discuss the payment? And then you can spend the night here to rest up from the battle."

Rogue grits out as he tries to ignore the young man still clinging to me, "Thank you, sir."

We go inside and into Thomas's office. Lucas stands next to his father's desk while Rogue and I sit before it as we discuss the payment. It was soon decided and we were handed a huge sack of Jewell, 790, 000 to be exact.

Rogue and I decide to split it between us and our animal partners before we get into our pyjamas and go to bed.

I immediately black out due to exhaustion from the fight.

I know Rogue will have a lot of questions about my Blue Lightning Magic and my Storm Bringer status, but I'll deal with that when we get back to Sabertooth.


The next morning, after breakfast, we stand outside the mansion as we say our goodbyes to Thomas and Lucas. I've changed into a black strapless dress with blue trimming and black and blue heels my hair in a ponytail and a choker and necklace around my neck.

 I've changed into a black strapless dress with blue trimming and black and blue heels my hair in a ponytail and a choker and necklace around my neck

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"We need to get a move on," I say to the men.

Thomas nods as Lucas pouts. "Couldn't you stay longer?" He asks mostly me.

I say apologetically, "We need to get back to the guild and report to Sting-sama. Goodbye, Lucas, Thomas-san."

Rogue and I turn and I wave as I tug my suitcase behind me as my team and I head for the train station.

"It's been fun working with you, Rogue," I tell him. "We should go on more jobs often." He just nods in response.

We're back at the guild in a few hours and in Sting's office as we give our report. Sting was shocked, to say the least, when Rogue mentions my Blue Thunder and my status.

"Blue Lightning Magic? I've never heard of it before," Says the blond when Rogue and I finish giving the report. He switches his cerulean blue gaze to me. "Just who are you, Erika?"

I stare at the young Guild Master in confusion as I blink and utter, cocking my head, "Eh...?"

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