Chapter 8

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Erika's P. O. V:

I blink a few times at the blond Dragon Slayer as I ask, "Eh?"

"I'm just a regular mage of Sabertooth with Lightning Magic who came from the outskirts of Fiore."

"What about that lightning bolt mark on your neck? And this whole thing about you being The Storm Bringer?" Sting questions with his head tilted.

I was getting uneasy with the questions Sting fires at me, but I do my best to answer them. "I-I don't know. I've had it since I was born. And people just started calling me Storm Bringer a few years ago, though I don't know who started it. I-I really don't know..."

I trail off, not sure what else to say. Fang rubs her head comfortingly against my hip and I place my hand on her head, lightly rubbing it.

"Hey, look, I'm sorry. It's just, apart from what Rogue told us when you first joined, we know next to nothing about you. And we know of no one being able to use Blue Lightning Magic—not even Laxus of Fairy Tail," Sting says seriously, holding up a hand. He gazes at me curiously. "You're very mysterious, Erika. Take your time to tell us anything."

I nod as I mumble a thanks and leave with Fang.


I breathe a sigh of relief as I walk to my apartment, Fang beside me.

What I told Sting was the truth; I've no idea who gave me the name Storm Bringer and that I came from the outskirts of Fiore. I've been on my own for a long time until I met Fang.

Now I think I've found a home with Sabertooth, I don't ever wanna leave.

Especially not after what happened at this year's Grand Magic Games...

I try to block out Future Rogue's voice as I reach my apartment. I leave my blue suitcase by my wardrobe and plop myself on my small couch with a weary sigh. Fang jumps up beside me and rests her muzzle in my lap.

"What am I going to do, girl?" I murmur as I stroke her soft fur.

Fang huffs indignantly.

"Yeah, you're probably right. I shouldn't worry so much," I murmur.

I sigh as I lean back in my seat and close my eyes to relax for awhile.

I'll go back to the guild hall later.

I do spend the rest of the day at the guild hall and chat with Rogue mostly. We then go to a training room somewhere in the guild hall and practice hand to hand combat together.

When we finish training for the day, we grab something to eat before Rogue goes off on his own somewhere. I remain at the bar for awhile with Fang as I drink my blueberry sundae.

When it was around 9pm, Fang and I head home. I make us dinner and we eat before I stay up late drawing in my sketchbook.

When it was a little after midnight, I give a loud yawn as I stretch before I get into my pyjamas and climb into bed with Fang curled next to me.

I lie awake for awhile before I finally drift off to sleep.

The Storm Bringer (Rogue Cheney X OC)Where stories live. Discover now