Haunting Memories

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Muffled noises of electricity could be heard, along side a slight ringing, Dempesy fluttered his eyes open he couldnt make anything out though, for his vision was blurry. It took a long time before the blurry vision and the ringing in his ears went away.
Dempesy looked at the blood stained ceiling with confusion, the tainted color looked familiar to him, so did the rhythm of the electricity although he couldn't tell where from. His train of thought was interrupted when a groan from the undead came out of nowhere, Dempesy quickly got to his feet and saw a zombie trying to climb inside from a window. The marine quickly looked for a weapon but noticed nothing "Shit.." he muttered under his breath. The zombie was soon to be the least of his worries as he heard a gunshot and watched the husk fall to the ground.
Dempesy looked over to where the gunshot came from, he felt his face go sour when he saw the doctor, "Good morning Dempshey!" Richtofen said with a smile. The Marine sighed "Morning doc." "Im so sorry you had to wake up with mein minion terrorizing you." Richtofen threw the pistol he used to one-shot the zombie onto the desk in the room they were in "No you're not." Dempesy crossed his arms watching the doctor step closer to him "Ja, you're right. HAHAHAHAA!". Richtofen saw his American friend was already annoyed which brought a bigger smile to his face, "How did you sleep Dempshey?" "Can we skip the small talk and you explain where the hell we are?" Dempesy surely wasn't in the mood to be slacking around, this place strangely unsettled him. The German slightly tilted his head "Thats not fair." He stepped closer and placed his hands on Dempesy's chest then slowing sliding them up to his shoulders "I need to make sure mein big strong marine is okay, Ja.~".
A slight blushed came across Dempesy's face but he tried to shrug it off and pushed the doctor away "I don't have time for your weird games, Richtofen. Where's Tak and Nikolia?" The German rolled his eyes and turned away "Behind you.".

Dempesy turned around and saw the drunk Russian and his Japanese friend unconscious on the floor "What the hell is wrong with them!" He shouted "Theyre fine. A common side effect of za teleporter." Richtofen told him as he walked out of the room.
Of course, that's how they got here, Dempesy let out a sigh of relief to finally be out of the rotting theater but the place they were at now wasn't much better.
Dempesy knelt down next to their unconscious bodies "Tak wake up." He gently shook the warrior's shoulder, thankfully he didn't have to be too loud as Takeo slowly started to open his eyes.
"Wha-..what happened?.." Takeo mumbled, hearing the same electricity and ringing in his ears, "We finally got away from that damn theater." Dempesy helped Takeo get on his feet and handed him his katana that ended up on the floor. Takeo slid his sword back in its sleeve on his waist and looked around "Is this..asylum? Of some kind?" Dempesy took another gander of their area and agreed "So we're at Richtofen's house then.".
Takeo let out a small chuckle at the American's joke then continued to scan their surroundings,  "Where is Nikolia?", Speak of the devil himself, Nikolia started to wake up as well, "The phone..Someone answer the phone!" He shouted while holding his head. Dempesy pull Nikolia up on his feet "Theres no phone dumbass. It'll go away in a minute." Nikolia stumbled but caught his balance "This is like hangover, but much worse!".
Once Nikolia stopped his complaining, the three of them took their own tour of the asylum, the more they explored the new location, the more Dempesy felt overwhelmed, he didn't know why which only aggravated him more.

Takeo led them in the next room they came across, he had a strong grip on the handle of his blade by his waist, if anything was to attack them, he looked around before signaling the others to follow behind.
There were shattered pieces of glass all over the floor, the island in the middle of the room had blood stained towels and dirty dishes scattered across the surface, a few jars that seemed to be preserving eyes and ears sat next to the sink and the odor was stronger than anything they've smelt before. They rushed out of the room, knowing nothing but an awful smell was there for them, and onto the next to meet a much better surprise.
Takeo led them again into the room, but instantly let his guard down this time. "The mystery box is here!",  The Russian and American walked into the room and a smile appeared on all their faces. "Nikolia goes first!" Nikolia reached his hand out to the magical crate but a strong grip captivated his wrist, he looked over and saw Takeos usual cold glare, "I found it. I go first." "You complain like first wife!". Nikolia and Takeo bickered on who should open the box first. This made Dempesy laugh, if the apocalypse never happened They would all most likely be friends still.
As he waited his turn, Dempesy took an actual look of the room, it was small and the only light was provided by the generator that produced the same electric noise he heard earlier.
It was strange, so many of the noises he heard, the items and rooms, they all looked too familiar to Dempesy, he began hearing a faint voice alongside the useless arguing coming from the Soviet and the warrior. Dempesy listened closely to this faint radio voice and silenced everything else out.
It kept repeating numbers, they were out of order, none of them added together, that didn't bother him though. The numbers, the strange voice coming from no where, the screaming and crying he faintly heard as they wandered among the asylum, the blood stains, the color of the ceilings and walls, the rooms, the strange writing and scratches engraved on the walls.
Everything that was around him, it's made memories he suppressed for so long come back to the surface, he felt as if he was reliving them all again.
Dempesy was too stuck in his realization, he didn't hear Takeo's scream and blood mist be spray against his skin.
"Dempesy!", he heard faintly as the ringing came back to his ears "Dempesy! Dempesy!" He heard again but it didn't process with him "Thomas! Run!" an old voice he thought he never hear again came to mind.
Dempesy finally came back to earth upon feeling his body be moved, Nikolia pushed him forward "Stop dreaming American! Run!", without question Dempesy went on a full sprint, the drunk Russian following behind, they ran until they found a solitude away from the undead. Nikolia placed his hands on his knees, catching his breath "I think..were fine..for now." Dempesy leaned against the wall trying to set his mind straight "What the hell was that...". "Richtofen is right, you are stupid." Nikolia huffed before explaining to him a horde of zombies came to overran them.
Dempesy let a sigh trying to relax before instant worry flooded his emotions "Tak...Where's Takeo!?", the realization hit Nikolia as well "Takeo?..Er- well...", without letting another moment pass, Dempesy ran back to where they were before, Nikolia groaned and followed behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2023 ⏰

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