8. Complacent

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We ended up watching Scream because Rileigh pleaded that we watch something scary even though she covered her eyes for most of the movie.

"It was not that scary Rileigh" I say to her as she scoots closer to Dre.

"Such a big baby" Dre adds as he grabs his jacket and leaves out the door. Rileigh follows behind him with a argument prepared.

"Ill see you tomorrow Amira" Noah adds as he comes closer to me.
"Ok be safe" I place my hand on his cheek and his eyes soften. He opens his mouth to say something but quickly closes it, collecting himself.
"Ok" he finally says and I remove my hand from his cheek.
"Amira, I'm going to be fine ok I don't need you to worry about me...I'm going to fine." He says as if he's trying to not only convince me but himself aswell. I look up at him and smile. "Ok..." He leans down to hug me and I wrap my arms around him gently.
He lets go of the hug and makes his way out of the door. I hear Rileigh tell him goodbye as she comes back in.

"Im worried about him Riles"
"He's going to to be fine Amira" she tries to reassure me.
"Everyone keeps saying that but how do I know that for sure? How do I know he's really going to be fine?" I rub my hands over my face, "I just wish he would tell me what's going on" she sits next to me on the bed.
"You've only known him for a couple of months, maybe he's not ready to share that right now but I'm sure you'll be the first to know when he does." I nod my head and lean it on her shoulder.


After class I head to skating rink to practice for the upcoming tournament. My turns were improving but I needed them to be perfect If I was going to win the tournament.

"One more time!" I say to my coach as I skate to the other side of the rink.
"This time let go!" My coach yells back.
"Let go of what?"
"Let go of whatever is weighing on you. Right now just skate and leave everything off of the ice."
"But nothing is weighing on me. I'm fine."
"That's what your mouth is saying but your body is telling a completely different story. This will be a lot easier if your mind is clear."
"He'll be fine Amira..." I whisper to myself
I nod my head and start the routine over on her count.
My body lifts into the air and my mind is clear. I land on one leg and skate to the center.
"That was way better Amira!! Beautiful!" She yells over to me. I smile at her.
"That's it for today though, you've been working hard all day."

I take off my skates and look at my phone. I left it in my bag and didn't check it before practice. I had 10 miss calls and 23 text from Noah. My heart rolls over in my chest and I feel sick. I quickly grab my stuff and call him back.
"Hello? Are you ok?" I say frantically while trying to catch my breath.
"Yeah I'm fine why?" He says annoyed as if I'm bothering him.
"Why do you have an attitude with me? You was blowing up my phone I thought something was wrong."
"Why would something be wrong?"
"Oh I don't know. Maybe because you called me 10 times?!??" I say sarcastically.
"Ok well I'm fine now. What do you need?"
"What do I need? You called me. What is your problem?"
I hear him let out a deep breath "What's my problem? What the fuck is your problem? You're the one babying me and treating me like a case. Always breathing down my neck. Why do you care so much. Just leave me alone."He yells.
The air leaves my lungs and I take a second to fill them before I respond, "Why do I care so much? Maybe because that's what friends do! And I wasn't treating you like a case I was treating you like a friend. To think thag I actually was worried about you and actually cared about you when you don't even care about me or what I think. I'm always there for you Noah. Always. And this is how you talk to me? No need to worry about me doing that anymore."
I hang up the phone and throw it in my bag. My legs instantly feel weak. I quickly make my way to the pit
and sit down. I place my hand over my heart, trying to slow down my breathing.

"I wasn't in the wrong was I?" I say to Rileigh
"No, if anything you were too much in the right. He's the one with the problem. Fuck him!"
"Why is it so hard for me to just mind my business? I  pushed him to this point." I place my head into my hands.
"It's not your fault NieNie. You cared about him like a friend would and if he couldn't see that then that's on him. Please don't let this get to you." I nod my head at her.
"I know but Rileigh there's something really going on with him"
"NieNie you have to let that go," she rubs her hand over my shoulder "he wants to be left alone so you should do that."
"I know. I'll definitely be keeping my distance from him. If he wants to be alone then I'll do just that."
I reach into my bag and pull out my phone. I block his number and throw it back in my bag. Even though it was the best decision I couldn't help but still feel something for him. How could I just "let him go" when I cared so much for him? I only knew him for a couple of months amd was trying to fix all his issues instead of fixing my own. But I care...cared...about him.
I let out a huff of air and lay my head on my folded arms.
Omggggg y'all it's been soooo long.😭I'm really sorry!! I've had no motivation to write like anything at allll and I felt like the story was boring so I wanted to switch it up a bit and give y'all some entertainment. I really love both of these characters but they needed some flaws🫣hopefully y'all don't hate me. Ik I promised y'all some chapters so y'all will be getting more soon!(i promose I won't leave y'all for months again) but plz give me some time😭😭💗💗💗anyways I love yalll so much and I love reading y'all commmets... make sure y'all vote+comment!!!💗💗💗

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