Chapter One; Scintillae Infinitae Ignis

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Minerva led me to a place I knew all too well, explaining, "I'm sure we'll soon catch up dear; the headmaster is expecting you as of now though." She bowed respectfully, same old Nervy (an old nickname), before turning aside.

The stairs rotate ever down, and retract as I step upon them; I jolt, grasping the railing. Kicking myself mentally as I came up the stairs; I hadn't even thought to ask who this headmaster even was.

Hopefully not him. Anyone but him.

/////////////////////////////In what is a memory but feels like a fever dream//////////////////

My eyes flutter open. The air is pleasant, filled with the scents of fall. Seve lays in the soft green-blue grass next to me, face peaceful in the evening twilight.

So many days we end up like this. Falling asleep under the heat of the setting sun, sprawled in pastures or on riverbanks.

Looking at his tranquil expression, I longed to wake him, to tell him about all of the nightly dreams, about the ever present feelings, and the brewing thoughts. But I forced the urge down, with a small disheartened sigh. He was already so burdened by life- especially with that potter boy on his case all the time; he didn't deserve what could come from such a confession.

I never could've known then what would happen, or just how strong Severus really was.


A curious tall figure, cloaked in white, stands at the podium back turned to me; long white hair reaching the middle of their back. Who ever they were, definitely not Seve, not with such white hair; surely not in such a short time.

My suspicions are confirmed when the figure speaks, voice soft, and all too familiar, "Ah, Miss Felborne. Please, join me."

I soon find myself at his side, watching his knotted fingers working a letter into an envelope, "I assume you have been expecting me, Dumbledore." I say, as his wise gaze turns up from the letter.

"Of course, straight to business. It's good to see some things never change," setting the paper down with a polite smile, he turns to a cabinet pulling from it more paper, "I see you are interested in our potions master position."

I nod, as he sets the paper down, "well it is regretful that, that position is unavailable at this time, however, I'm sure our current potions master could use a fresh perspective. How would you feel about being an assistant?"

"Well it's better than nothing I suppose." I wondered for a moment if I was merely being agreeable, but I dismissed the thought as Ablus continued to speak.

"Down in the left most sections of the dungeons, is where the classroom is located. Your quarters are just beyond. I've taken the liberty of providing furnishings and a furnace." And with that he wishes me the best for my endeavors, before booting me out of his office. Which, in his defense, it was certainly late; but I couldn't help feeling offset by the mischievous gleam in ol'DumblyDoors eyes. I knew that look all too well. He was up to something, something that would in the end be good (probably) but would likely be hellish at first.

While I made my way past the great hall, I felt chilly draft blowing up the staircase from below; now I understood why he'd mentioned the furnace. I had forgotten just how cold the dungeons could be. As I went deeper into the castle, it became darker, lit occasionally by a few sconces here and there; paintings were replaced in their multitudes by slimy damp, stone walls.

The smell of stale books and algae brought memories up once again- memories of a time I wish I could Oblivate from my mind. Though, my room came up on the left soon, and as I opened the door to step inside the lights came on, illuminating the room with dim yellowed light.

I waste no time surveying my surroundings, I didn't doubt the quality of the room, I was far more concerned with falling into bed; after a long day of flying, my back ached outrageously, begging that I rest, relentlessly. It wasn't long after my body hit the plush downy bed, that my eyelids grew heavy, and I could no longer bear to hold them open.

/////////////Fade in, Ethera stands in a dead field////////////////////

In the distance, a slender dark figure watches her with intrigued eyes. Her gaze has never left him, it feels like it's been years she's been staring into those almost empty brown orbs.

Overhead a black could gathers, ominous lightning striking the ground in-between the pair.

The foolish Ethera, in her blindness, calls to the figure. Her screams are a waste of breath, as he can't hear her.

The ground dissolves beneath her feet and she's caught in a pool of black water-like substance; her voice betrays her, letting the darkness into her mouth, surging through her frail lungs.

Above the pool, through the murky reflection, she can see the figure clearly now.

Severus Snape, holding a single lily; a single tear of blood escaping his right eye.

Thrust from the pool, a flashing image fills the dreamspace; a large snake, striking several times.


Careening awake, sweat bubbles from my slick brown, and my breath comes out as shaggy uneven huffs; I knew that dreams where never just a figment- especially not such a dream as oddly specific as that. Still, I knew that I had not too much time to dally, so I jotted the basics of the dream in my journal, before getting ready to meet the teacher I'd been assigned to assist. I dressed somewhat warm, in a long sleeved black petticoat, green blouse beneath, flowing black cloak.

I said a silent prayer again, but I knew that with my dream his presence was almost garunteed.

The classroom was a short way from my room, and I felt my nerves threatening to choke me with anxiety. But nothing would stand in the way of me having a better life; so I pushed through the feeling, pressing the heavy wooden door open.

The smell of various alchemical ingredients assaulted my nostrils, but in a sublime, enticing way. The quaint odor of algae was ever prevalent, and in the air lingered long waves of smoke, suspended in the airflowless environment.

As I stepped fully in the classroom, rapping on the doorframe but once, I cleared my throat, "Ahem? ...Hello?"

Opening old wounds (Severus Snape x (fem) reader)Where stories live. Discover now