Chapter Four; Stultitia Serpentis

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It had been a few months since Ethera came to Hogwarts. Students now filled the halls, their laughter a reminder of a dead age. Severus and Ethera had become closer but not by much; but they could at least stand in the same room without quarrelling. They may have even chatted idly in passing on few occasions; about nothing important of course. Unbeknownst to one another, neither wanted to pressure the relationship with the other by bringing up heavy things. Besides, Snape would never admit it but she livened up his life some, even changed the atmosphere in his gloomy classroom, perhaps in time, his gloomy life. This year was particular as a fabled student had come to these halls. The son of lily and James Potter; Harry. Severus was destressed and weary of the future ahead. The days had dragged on into months; till it was December, near the beginning of winter break.

////////Early, the day before Christmas break\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

"Ethera, could, you pass me, four, sprigs of Hawthorne?" His voice echoed about the classroom. Gathering the dried specimens carefully, "also, a few, eucalyptus leaves." I raise my eyebrow at his addage, Hawthorne, and eucalyptus?

"Brewing some kind of healing draught?" I question, setting the ingredients gently upon the table, making sure each and everyone was in order.

"In a sense." His short replies had become second nature, that's just how he was now; it still took a bit to get used to. Powdering the plants in a mortar and pestle, his expression twists as he looks up for his cauldron, "the first class should begin soon. Please, check all of the equipment before the students step through the doorway." With a wave of my wand I cast a spell, my eyes tracing back to him momentarily, "Accio any broken or leaky equipment." Two cauldrons floated towards me, along with one beaker.

After fixing fresh equipment in its place, I hummed a soft tune that had been stuck in my head for weeks; it was a charm I'd heard sung in the halls here, once upon a dream.

Soon a distant bell sounded, and I turn back towards Seve. "Here they come, I'll do my best to stay out of your way professor." My voice is a little shaky as I sit down at my desk; which is secluded and out of the way, tucked neatly behind a tall book shelf.

He casts me a glance, with small uptilt in the corner of his mouth.

The moment only lasted for mere seconds, his eyes were soft upon me until it was so that the door creaked open loudly

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The moment only lasted for mere seconds, his eyes were soft upon me until it was so that the door creaked open loudly.

Students poured in, filling every seat but two. I quietly took attendance- having a identic memory, I remembered the name and corresponding face of every student that passed the threshold of this classroom. As I finished up the form, I stood up, strolling a short ways to Severus's desk, "they're late, again." I say, laying the clipboard to the side of his workspace.

Scoffing, he takes the clipboard with pursed lips, "of, course, they are."

As the first years do the morning warm ups, Snape and I pass mental wagers on when the two, trouble making, Gryffindors would stumble into the doorway.

'I say they won't, even, bother to show, up ' seve passes a glance my way, as he waves his wand over his cauldron.

'eh, I say they're gonna pop up in the middle of your teaching again.' A quiet chuckle comes from me, watching as liquid rises from the bowl in an arch, into a bulbous potion bottle.

'they will regret that. Again.' I can feel him fighting the urge to chuckle as well, as he takes the potion to the long mahogany table in front of the class. "Can anyone tell me, what this is? You may raise your hand, to come, and, inspect it."

Few students raise their hands, mostly from Slytherin house, with a few exceptions- Hermione Granger always had her hand up, almost regardless of subject. Though sweet, the poor thing was an insufferable know it all; which I often wondered how she became friends with the bumbling idiots that are always late.

As per the usual, none of the students could tell what it was- Snape never picks Hermione- and just as the professor is about to explain, the door is thrown open with an eardrum rupturing echo. The two first years stand there, disheveled and messy haired; as if they just fell off a cliff and traversed back to the castle just in time to show up fifteen minutes late.

"Weasely, Potter." Severus hisses, "ten points from Gryffindor, for, repeated tardiness." Both boys sigh, as they enter the room- proceeding to their seats in the midst of their peers.

"Now, as I was, about to explain." He uncorks the bulbous vial, " this particular, potion, is known as Cortotum."

The room is filled with the familiar scent of memories, different for each person.

"Miss Felborne, could you please, tell the class, what 'Cortotum' means?" Turning to me, he awaits my response, seeming almost eager.

"Cortotum, derivative of latin, Cor Totum, All or whole Heart." I meet his eyes fiercely, joining him by the table; my tone incredibly stable.

"Indeed. This potion is, an aid for problems of, the psyche. Particularly good for, heartbreak, or trauma." He turns to the chalkboard behind him, drawing out ingredients and processing. Looking at the broad of his cloaked shoulder, the back of my mind nags at me relentlessly. Heartbreak or trauma? Why do I feel like it's some kind of subliminal statement?

/////////////////////// shortly after second class////////////////////

A beautiful ginger feathered owl flew into the dungeons, dropping a letter in my lap. I could've sworn the bird seemed ubiquitous- perhaps it was my brothers owl.

As Seve was busy, cataloguing and book keeping as usual- I pried the letter open, and beheld it's content.

Dear Ethera,

I'm writing you from Germany, I know it's around Christmas time, I sent you this letter, as I have both good and bad news. Lilithera is with child, and we're expecting to have a little boy by early June. That's the good news. The bad news is, there's been chatter amongst the people here; dark things are being said sister. I wouldn't tell you this to simply tell you. Please be safe at Hogwarts, and tell severus I said hello.

Your dearest brother,

The smile leaves my lips as the thought of my new nephew passes from my mind; what were these dark things? What did he mean by be safe?

"Good news I hope." Seve says, gaze trained on me, with a strange glimmer in his dark eyes.

"Ah, yes actually." I say with a small smile.

However, the luncheon bell interrupts whatever conversation we were about to have.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2023 ⏰

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Opening old wounds (Severus Snape x (fem) reader)Where stories live. Discover now