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"Hey, look who's here." Caroline said nudging me teasingly while Jayce smirked at me.

I groaned when I saw that they were referring to the tall and handsome guy in front of me.


All guys are tall and handsome. It makes me feel sick. Even Jayce with his stupid smirking face is tall and handsome. What is this?

I guess good genes are common in this school.

Michael, who is one example of good genes, was taking out his books from his locker. I don't know what book he took, but I know we don't share the same class. I thanked god we don't because if we do, the teasing would never stop. I tried to make myself one with the lockers as I passed him by, but Caroline had other ideas.

She pulled Jayce next to her and walked beside me waiting for the right moment. When it came, she pushed me towards Michael making me lose my balance and fall on him of course.

It wasn't a light shove. She pushed me.

"Wow! Careful." Was the first thing Michael said to me, ever. He held me by my arm making me regain my balance again. Jayce and Caroline were nowhere in sight. Good for them, because if they were they'd be dead.

"Sorry. Some idiot pushed me." I said sheepishly rubbing the back of my neck. Michael looked around and then back at me. "There's nobody." He said smirking. I internally screamed.

"There was." I said chewing on my bottom lip. It's a nervous habit. "Oh, there was." Michael laughed and I felt like an idiot. Curse you, Caroline. Curse you.

Wow, I sound like a supervillain.

I nodded at him biting my abused bottom lip. "I'm late for class." I mumbled walking away. I was hoping to get away from him as fast as I could, but he was walking right beside me.

"What?" I asked.

"My class is also this way." He shrugged.


Turns out his class was right next to mine. Just my outstanding luck.

I entered the class, and thankfully I was not late. The teacher was cleaning the board and class hasn't started yet. Took my seat next to Jayce and I glared at him. He put both of his hands up. "I didn't do anything. Caroline did." He said trying to hide his smile. "I'm going to kill her." I muttered kicking him in the shin.

The lesson was boring as ever, but the usual teasing was absent. It was thanks to Jayce's habit of sleeping in classes that there was no teasing involved. It was like my friends live to tease the hell out of me.

If they ran out of things to tease me with, they'd make up something about me just for the sake of teasing me.

I found myself spacing out in class. I tried to pay attention a couple of times, but it was no use. Sleeping on the desk never looked so appealing, but I did not want to get detention or anything. Jayce has a talent for not getting caught. As for me, I'm not as talented. I suck at it.

I turned my head from the board and looked at Jayce instead. His head was on the desk and he was drooling a little. Out of boredom, I poked his upper lip with my pen a couple of times making it twitch. Then I tickled his nose with the tip of my pencil just to get some reaction.

He just swatted it away scrunching up his nose.

The teacher didn't really pay us any attention and continued the lesson, her voice almost lulling me to sleep.

When the lesson final ended, I walked out feeling drowsy along with Jayce who just woke up from his nap. Sometimes I wish I could actually fall asleep in class like him. He wasn't exposed to boring materials for an hour. And thanks to my drowsiness, I accidently bumped into someone making them drop their books.

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