Chapter 3 - Suitcases

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Alex's POV:

I exited the building and into the outdoor parking lot. I eventually did find the elevator and went to the last floor to call for a taxi.

After I called the taxi, I went to my thoughts to figure out a way to lie to my cousin that I 'got rid' of my dorm.

I could just say nothing and avoid the conversation until I actually get around to doing it. But I'll still have the room and the Dean might wonder why there is an empty room with no one living it in.

I sighed. Why couldn't I just talk to the Dean? He seemed nice enough if he let me into his school, let alone give me a scholarship.

I glanced at the time on my phone. 4:19pm.

Why was the taxi taking so long?

I stood there leaning on the wall of the college, blankly staring ahead as I waited.

I heard the rush of air as the automatic doors opened and someone stepped outside. I spared a glance at them but didn't register it in my head.

Hmm. I wonder how long this darn-

Then my brain registered the person and I looked back. It was that guy (John I think) that gave me the ice pack. I suddenly remembered that I still had the ice pack pressed at the back of my head.

I quickly hid it away.

The boy didn't notice me which I was thankful for. I would hate talking to him again after such an embarrassing incident.

I watched him as he opened the trunk of his car and grabbed a few suitcases.

Heavy packer huh? I mean you do have to especially if you're going to be here for like four years. Could never be me though.

I am going to live with my cousin for the next four years until I eventually move out and get my own place after graduating.

My cousin knew my mother trusted him so he made me stay with him, the reason why I needed to talk to the Dean and make a few changes.

My cousin already had a wife but needed to keep me so I don't go out to drink or party too late at night. I am old enough to drink but my cousin said to do it after college (which is so not going to happen).

John turned around with bags in his hands. He seemed quite strong if he could hold all that up by himself.

He only got ten steps until he saw me. I quickly looked away but had to look back again when I heard a crash.

"What the-" I said.

John seemed to have dropped all of his suitcases.

Oh god it's all my fault. I distracted him from his 'suitcase carrying'.

I walked over to him and helped pick up a few suitcases.

"This is too much to carry." I said, nagging like a mother. "I'll help you bring it up to your dorm."

This was the least I could do after he helped me get up and offer my an ice pack.

And since that goddamn taxi driver kept me waiting, I will now keep them waiting haha...

"Thanks, umm." He said gesturing his hand towards me to finish his sentence and say my name.

"Alex." I said with a smile.

I let it go quiet for a second.

"Actually, it's Alexander but yeah, you can call me Alex." I said to him, slightly embarrassed.

He laughed at that which I didn't seem to understand why but I rolled with it.

"And yours?" I said already knowing the answer. At least I hoped I knew the answer and wasn't actually calling him the wrong name in my head the entire time.

"John." He said, smiling still.

I gave myself a mental high-five.

We got in the elevator and pressed the floor number.

"Thanks for helping with the suitcases, Alex." John said, nervously. This must have been very awkward for him since falling through a door isn't exactly the best first impression, I could give him.

I thought all was fine. Until my self-conscious stepped in.


I knew I was right and as that thought crashed into me, I felt myself start sweating immediately .


The elevator doors opened and I followed him out.

"I think I got it from here, thank you once again." He said.


I plastered a fake smile on my face and dropped the suitcase in front of him gently.

"You know you are really cool."

OH GOD OH GOD...wait I am??

"I am?" I blurted out.

"Yeah, like you just are." John said.

"Huh..." I said, silencing my thoughts.

COMPLIMENT HIM BACK. I screamed at myself.

"You're pretty neat too." I said. "Like when you helped me when I fell through your door." Oh god I ranted at the last part and I covered my mouth before anything else more embarrassing slipped out.

"Thanks." He said, smiling.

We stood there for a very long time.

"Anyway, I got to go..." I said, a little creeped out.

I went back into the elevator and pressed a floor. As I waited for the elevator to open, I put the ice pack back on my head.

Huh, what a guy....

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