Chapter 4 - Almost Caught

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John's POV:

"You know you are really cool."


When the elevator closed, I let my smile fall.

Oh god that was so weird...

"WHY AM I LIKE THIS?!" I whisper-shouted to myself as I picked up my suitcases. Why did I keep smiling?? He's probably thinks I'm so creepy.

I walked with a few suitcases instead of all at the same time, following Alex's advice.

Alexander. I thought to myself. That's a cool name. Sounds so...medieval.

I eventually got all my suitcases to the dorm and Laf showed me my room. It was neat of them to let me have my own room and they share one.

The room was a perfect size for me. I felt more at home than I did at home. My dad and I have not really been close but this art thing really set an edge to him. But I was used to it. I usually was not home a lot because I wanted to avoid him. I guess Laf and Herc's house were more my house than my actual house was. I spent more time there than in my own house which now I think back to is kind of sad.

I dropped my bags on the bed and started unpacking immediately.

I started with debating whether to decorate the room first or put my clothes in the closet that was in the corner of the room.

I decided that if I had to make a decision, I had to draw. I don't know how but it helps me think. I guess that is something I like about art and something my dad will never understand.

Just as I was about to draw, I heard a knock at the dorm's front door. I froze and Hercules looked at me from across the dorm because my room door was open.

Lafayette got up and answered the door.

"Hello, MR DEAN." Lafayette said loudly for me and Herc to hear.

Herc dived across the dorm to my room and shoved me into the closet. I could hear everything still going on.

"Hello there, umm" Rustling paper. "Mr. Lafayette who is rooming with," More rustling paper. "Mr. Mulligan." He said triumphantly.


"I'm sorry, I'm just not used to the dorms yet." The Dean said, chuckling nervously to break the silence.

I could hear Lafayette and Hercules nervously chuckle along with him.

The Dean must have entered because I could hear him closer than before.

"So, this is your dorm huh? This is very nice."

"Merci, Mr. Washington." Lafayette said nervously.

"He decorated it himself." Hercules said proudly.

"I can see you have very good decor skills, Mr. Lafayette. Are you perhaps majoring in interior design?" Mr. Washington asked politely.

"Oui, Mr. Washington. It has been my dream since I was a child."

"That's great. I love hearing that my students can pursue their own childhood dreams." He said cheerfully. He sounded like a nice guy overall, too bad we had to keep this secret.

"If I can ask you one question Mr. Washington," Herc chimed in.


"Why are you looking through dorms?"

"I'm checking to see if people are rooming with each other when they don't have a dorm." Mr. Washington said matter-of-factly. I could hear his voice really close now. I think they were now in my room.

"I don't want a repeat of last year so I'm just looking around." I could see them in the crack of the closet.

Mr. Washington was picking up my sketchbook when he looked directly at the closet.

I felt my heart jump out from my chest.

"I'm guessing this is Mr. Mulligan's room?" He said no longer looking at the closet and looked around at the undecorated room.

I sighed quietly in relief.

"Why do you say that?" Lafayette said defensively as Hercules went in front of the closet to block the view so Mr. Washington couldn't see me.

I stood on my tip-toes to see.

"Because the other room looks finished and this one doesn't as it has suitcases on the bed." Mr. Washington said confidently.

Nice save. I thought.

"Hmm..." Laf hummed suspiciously.

"I only have one question." Mr. Washington said as he went back to my sketchbook.


"Do you draw, Mr. Mulligan?" Mr. Washington said, raising one eyebrow.

"Uhhh, y-yes I do." Herc stuttered.

"Really, is that what you are majoring in?"

"Yes, it is my passion." Herc said, quoting me.

It was quiet for a while.

"That's nice to hear." Mr. Washinton finally said, satified by his answer.

"Well, it looks fine in here, I'll check the other room."

It only took Mr. Washington a few more minutes until he left the dorm completely.

I staggered out, tired from standing for so long.

Lafayette made me rest for a while and then I got back to unpacking my suitcases.

This, I thought to myself when I finished and looked around the well enough decorated room, is going to be fun. 

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