Chapter 6 - Not Enough

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John's POV:

I was sketching in my sketchbook when someone knocked on the door.

I got up immediately and looked for a place to hide.

"John it's just moi." Lafayette said from the other side of the door.

I sighed and made my way to the door and opened it.

Laf smiled slightly.

"Me and Herc are going out to get something to eat. Want to come with us?"

I glanced at the clock behind Laf and noticed the time. 6:14 pm.

Time passed by quick.

"I'm sorry Laf but I got work in sixteen minutes." I said as I dashed into my room and opened the closet door.

I took out a change of clothes because I didn't want to be at work with a green tank top.

I began to pick out my black clothes and glanced at Laf. He was still standing there with a hand on the doorway.

"Laf, are you okay?" I asked as I pulled on my black jeans.

"Hmm? Yeah, I'm fine." He smiled. "It's just..."

I pulled my shirt on and adjusted my hair.

"You work too much, mon ami." He said finally.

"I have to Laf, especially since this is a college, I plan to stay in."

"I know that John, but you work too hard and for very little."

I shrugged at him.

"It's just how the world works sometimes Laf."

"I don't understand why you can't keep rooming with us until graduation."

"That's four years away Laf, I can't just live off all your supplies. I will feel bad." I said. Me and Laf have had this conversation many times, and each time it ended the same.

"You have been working since high school John. This is ridiculous. You said that by the time highschool was done, you would have enough money to buy a dorm for four years. Do you know what happened then, mon ami?"

Laf was yelling now.


I looked at Laf.

I did love him, Laf.


"I-" I began but was cut off.

"It ended with your heart broken and a useless ring in your hand."


"It ended with you questioning everything. All your money wasted."

"You don't-"

"No, John, you don't know. You don't know what you are." Laf said sadly. He turned and walked away from the doorway.

I sat down on the bed, absorbing what just happened. I began to cry.

I climbed off the bed and to the other side of the bed where the door didn't face me, and cried into my knees.

I don't know what I am.

I sniffed and looked up at the jar with the words 'Savings' taped on the side of it. There was only a few bucks in there and the ring.

I fished the ring out and held it in my palm.

I need help. 

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