Chapter 9 - Stop To Look At The Stars

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Alex's POV:

I walked down my street.

I wish I had a car, but how can I when my fucking cousin wouldn't even let me have my own goddamn dorm. I grumbled in my head.

I passed a park on my way to a coffee shop I recently discovered two weeks ago. I could see children running around and playing on the swings, their parents sitting on a bench and talking together.

I hope that's what's in store for me in the future.

I hated that thought the second it popped into my head.

"What are you thinking?" I said to myself. "Like anyone would like you."

I lay down on a bench near me and look up at the darkening sky. I could make out just a few stars in the distance but it wasn't dark enough to see all of them.

In the corner of my eye, I could make out someone standing in front of me, so I moved my feet to make pace for him to sit.

"I thought I told you to leave me alone." I growl, sitting up and looking in front of me. I didn't want to look at him.

"I thought you were going to get coffee." James said, ignoring my slight scowl.

I look at him. Had he not heard me?

He was staring at the sky, eyes sparkling in awe. He looked so happy.

"I was." I said, crossing my arms. "But I just wanted to look at the sky, so I stopped."

"Wow you really give a new meaning to 'stop to smell the roses'." He giggled. "It should now be 'stop to look at the stars'."


"And they should say that it was invented by Alexander Hamilton." He giggled again.


"We can make it the new slang." He said, spreading his hands out and moving them, as if he was creating a scene.


He gasped excitedly. "Let's make it a hashtag, so people can take photos of the sky and hastag-"

"JAMES." I yell. Everyone near us quieted and I could see James eyes darken.

"Yes, Alex?" He mumbled, not giving me any eye contact. Thinking back, I didn't think he looked at me once during this entire conversation.

"Leave me alone." I said firmly. I suddenly notice how cold it was, and I wish I brought my coat before leaving my cousi- our house.

James stood up, still not looking at me.

"I can't until you let me." He whispered, so quiet I barely heard it.

I shivered.

He stood there for a while until he finally turned around and looked me in the eye.

The frustration evaporated out of me as I met his eyes. They were soft and forgiving, reminding me of our mother.

"Alex, your lips are turning blue." He sighed, wrapping his scarf around my neck.

I closed my eyes as he did so, pushing all the painful memories of our mother out of my head. The weight of James hand wrapping the scarf around me calmed me.

The reassuring weight was suddenly taken away and I opened my eyes.

No one stood in front of me.

I looked down at the snow under the bench.

No footprints other than my own were there. 

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