Chapter 10 - Coffee

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John's POV:

"And that's it!" I said finally with mock enthusiasm to Maria. I glanced at the clock.

7:30pm, my time to clock out.

"Well it looks like it's my time to leave." I said at Maria, who was still trying to process what just happened.

I was just like that too.

"Hell nah, you ain't going nowhere Laurens." Benny called from the locker room.

I sighed.

"I heard that." He called.

He thinks he's so funny.

"I am." He said, reading my mind. He opens the door and walks to me as he trys to put his coat on. It was inside out.

He sighed at my annoyed facial expression.

"Fine you can leave."

I did a backflip in my head.

"After serving one customer." He snickered. He knew very well that no one visits the coffee shop after 7:30. This was his way of torturing me.

"Maria, did John teach you well?" He asked. Maria nodded.

"So you will be able to take this horse by the reins?" He said gesturing his hand around the coffee shop, earning a frantic head nod by Maria.

"Brilliant, I will see you bright and early in the mor-" He cocked his head to the side, thinking.

"Dark and late in the night." I corrected.

He snapped his fingers at me and pointed.


I wanted to snap his fucking neck.

"Anyway, bye Maria. See you!"

Maria walked past him and into the locker room while undoing her apron.

"Bye John." He smiled smugly.

I wanted to punch him. WHY GOD WHY IS HE MY BOSS?!

"I hate you." I mumbled. I took my position behind the cash register.

He leaned on the counter where you put your coffee, which happened to be right next to the cash register. Yipee.

This is going to be a long night.

"So, John," He started.

Oh god it talks.

"How've you been?" His tone always sounded playful which kinda annoyed me.

"Fine." I said flatly. "Don't you have somewhere to be?"

"I would rather be here." He said, resting his chin on his hand.

Maria walked out of the coffee shop, waving at me and Benny.

We waved back.

After a while, he scanned the glass walls next to the door. Not even the leaves moved.

"No one's gonna show up. This is great."

"Why do you love torturing me? You know I have class tomorrow, yet you keep me here." I looked at him.

"It's just one customer John." He joked in his playful tone. He turned to me.

"I could've made you have to take two."


Suddenly the bell above the coffee shop door rung and we both turned our heads. Benny's mouth dropping.

I couldn't help but smile.

"AYO WASSUP LAURENS!" Usnavi yelled from the door, waving his hand in the air frantically.

"I am no longer friends with that man." Benny climbed on the counter and pointed at Usnavi.

Usnavi chuckled at that and Benny jumped off the counter to high five him.

"What's up John? Why are you still here? Doesn't your shift end at 7:30 or did I get it wrong again?" Usnavi asked, walking over to me.

"You should ask your friend." I mumble. I liked Usnavi a lot, he was pretty cool.

"Benny, what did you do?" He asked, smiling under the light. His freckles twinkling under the light.

"I made him stay because he was late." Benny said, hands on his hips. "So he won't be late again."

I harrumphed.

"What?" Benny mock yelled.

"What do you have to do?" Usnavi asked teasingly.

"Have sex with Benny." I said flatly. Usnavi was slightly taken a back by that.

"What the fu-"

"NO. He's lying." Benny grumbled. "I made him have to get a coffee from a customer. I thought it would be perfect until you barged in with your loud voice and dumb hat."

"Hey! My hat's not dumb." Usnavi defended. "It was my fathers."

"It is so dumb." I giggled, pulling down his hat over his face.

"Fine, for that I'm not gonna free you from him." Usnavi laughed evilly.

"No, please do." I mock begged.

"Alright fine. Umm, what's the cheapest thing?"

"Oh you are SO cheap." I laughed, tapping water on my order thing.

I opened the fridge under the place where Benny was leaning. I heard Usnavi make a 'bending' joke, causing Benny to laugh.

I placed the water in front of Usnavi as he handed me a dollar.

"And done." I said to Benny, taking off my apron.

"I said a coffee, John." Benny smiled.

I gaped at him and looked at Usnavi who shrugged apologetically.

I tied the apron back on and stood behind the register again.

"Wow you really do kiss his ass." Usnavi said, taking a swig of his water.

"I'm his boss, he has to." Benny said. He was now sitting in one of the table near the door, picking at his nails.

"Nobody's gonna show u-"

Usnavi was interrupted by the bell ringing and Alex stepped in. 

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