Chapter 11 - Closing

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A/N: yas 90 more chapters for me to write 

Alex's POV:

I entered the coffee shop, the bell slightly scaring me. I looked up from the floor and saw 2 men I didn't recognize look at me. I spotted John behind the register with a smug smile on his face, but when I looked at the person nearest me, he looked horrified.

I mistook his look.

"Oh god, I'm sorry, I thought you guys were open." I said, turning around and placing my hand on the door to leave.

"NO, ALEX!" John called from across the coffee shop. "We are open, Benny here," He points at the guy nearest me. He had dark skin and was wearing an inside out coat.

"Just didn't want me to win his little punishment." John finished.

I flinched at the last word.

John smiled at me and I walked over to him. I felt extremely embarrassed and kinda scared.

"John, do you know this guy?" A person in a flat cap who looked so much like John whispered.

"Yeah, he-" John started but I cut through. I didn't need anyone else know my 'falling through a door' incident.

"I know him from school." I finished for him. John gave me a puzzled look but I ignored it.

The person looked suspiciously at John then me, contemplating. Then he smiled.

"Alright! You know John? That's awesome." He said patting my back.

"Name's Usnavi, yours?" He extended his hand to me. I looked at John then back at him.

God, their resemblance is uncanny.

"Alexander, but you can call me Alex." I said, taking his hand and shaking it.

I turned around and looked at the man near the door.

"Benny, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, name's Benny." He agreed.

I am getting so much better at this name thing.

"Can I get you anything?" John asked behind the register, finger hovering over the screen where you lock in your order.

"Yes, just a black coffee to go please."

John pressed the order and told me the price. He started making it while I dug through my wallet and put the money on the counter. He placed the coffee on the counter and took the money.

"Annnnd, I'm done." John said, triumphantly after putting the money into the cash register. He looked at Benny and stuck his tongue out.

Benny merely rolled his eyes and got up off the chair.

"Usnavi, can you help me close up?" Benny asked, grabbing the broom as John disappeared behind the wall to what I was guessing the locker room.

"Sure." Usnavi said. He flipped the sign to 'closed' and grabbed a wet towel to clean the table tops.

Well, this looks like my invitation to leave.

I waved goodbye to Usnavi and Benny and left the coffee shop.

The cold air hit me unexpectantly as I walked out. I found a bench near by and sat on it to look at the stars.

Good thing James isn't here. I said in my head. The night sky was dark enough for me to see the stars now. 

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