Chapter 13 - How He Met His Friend

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A/N: Might not make more chapters this weekend cuz exam week is literally on monday and i need to study :(((( also dedication to my literal first follower ever. If u r reading this can you please check them out? they are also doing a ongoing lams fanfiction called 'Between The Lines' and its SOO good and if you are Celesteeoooooo, you are so amazing, thank you so much, cannot wait to see more chapters for your book!! <33

Alex's POV:

Me and John sat together for a long time.

I enjoyed his company even if he didn't say a word. Occasionally I would look over to him and he would be looking at the stars, eyes full of wonder and laughter. The faint light off the street light illuminated his face, accentuating his freckles.

He is so adorable.

What? No, he isn't. Remember Alex, you are straight.

I eventually finished my coffee and went to put it in the bin.

"Hey, Alex?" He said as I got up.

Oh damn, he must think I'm leaving.

"Yes?" I said as I put my coffee in the trash and went back to sit on the bench with him to show that I wasn't leaving, but going to put my empty cup in the bin.

When I sat back, I noticed he relaxed slightly.

"I don't know you very well," He began. I sat up straighter.

"But I find you quite cool."

I thought back to when he said that earlier when I finished helping him get his bags upstairs.

"Even if you fell head first into the Schuyler's dorm room." He finished.

I groaned at that, covering my face in embarrassment.

He laughed my groan.

"What? That's not too bad."

"Yes, it is. Literally the worst first impression." I said, hands still covering my face. I could feel my cheeks burning despite the cold.

I could practically hear his eyeroll.

"You wanna know how me and Usnavi met?" He asked as I looked up. He had a smile plastered on his face and I couldn't help but blush.

"I was at my friend's house. His parents took him and me to a little neighborhood in the northernmost of NYC, to go shopping or whatever. Me and him decided to play hide and seek in the area, as long as we stayed close to his parents." He took a deep breath, as if taking it all in.

"It was my turn to hide first. I was looking everywhere but couldn't find a good enough place. Also remember that I was just eight, so I had no idea what the fuck I was doing ok?"

I nodded, eager for him to finish his story.

"I was out of time before I could even find a place. He chased after me and I ran, laughing and looking back to see if he caught up to me." He looked at me and did for a while, calculating.

"What?" I asked, laughing slightly.

"It's just that nobody really cares about this story so I'm wondering why you are." He said through squinted eyes.

"It's interesting. I like interesting stuff." I said. I regretted the words the instant in came out of my mouth but he seemed satisfied with the answer and continued.

"I wasn't paying attention to a thing that was happening around me. My friend eventually stopped to take a breath so I took that opportunity to run away to hide. He composed himself and ran after me again. I ran across a street and he stopped suddenly, his eyes wide. He yelled for me to stop but I thought he was playing until a loud noise sounded in my ear, making me pay attention. I swear I saw my life flash before my fucking eyes. I was being held by my shirt collar at the corner of a road, a bus passing right past me. I realized that the bus would've hit me if it wasn't for this person holding me by my shirt collar. I couldn't see his face 'cuz it was covered by his flat cap." He laughed.

"He looked like a goddamn superhero I swear to god." I looked at him, horrified.

John almost died?

John noticed my horrified expression and continued.

"This kid, he pulled me onto the other side of the road, away from the cars and stuff. He pulled his flat cap up and I could see that he was about the same age as me. I thanked him for saving me as my friend ran up behind me and hugged me. He told me he was sorry but I said it was alright. I turned to the guy who saved me and I gave him my hand to shake, saying my name. He said 'Usnavi' and ever since, we were friends."

"That is literally so awesome. How is that worse from my first impression?" I asked eagerly.

"It is so not awesome. I almost died." He said, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms.

I could see a faint smile play on his lips, even in the faint street light it seemed so clear.

I looked at my watch on my wrist.

11:29pm. Shit.

"I gotta get to class tomorrow."

John groaned.

"Right, class. I forgot all about that."

He forgot about class because of me?

I pushed that thought away.

No. He's just tired.

"How about I walk you to your house?" He asked.

Why would he want to do that?

"Sure." I said.

We got up from the bench and we walked all the way to my house, talking and laughing.

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