Chapter 15 - Lecture Hall 18

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A/N: Hello guys, test/exam week is over and I'm pretty sure I failed everything lmaoo. Anyway break is around the corner, so I should be writing more instead of only on Saturday and Sunday :P Also I was re-reading my work and I noticed that in the beginning I said I liked long and many chapters, but when I actually write, it was extremely short so ima change that. Anyway enjoy!1!

Alex's POV:

I walked down the stairs at 6:15am. College was about to start and I already felt like I was going to die. College is a new chapter in my life and John is part of that chapter, so I was excited. Maybe only for the John part though.

I laughed giddily at the last thought, then remembered that I was straight and controlled my heart, no matter how much it protested against me.

"What's so funny?" James asked.

All happy thoughts exited my brain, and my eyes darkened.

"I don't want you here James. Leave me alone." I muttered as I made my way into the dining room. I saw Mrs. Elizabeth in the kitchen, cooking eggs and bacon. I loved the smell of bacon so much.

The dining room and the kitchen were connected, so Mrs. Elizabeth smiled at me as I sat down.

James took the seat beside me.

"You keep saying that you don't want me here, and to leave you alone, but in the end, you're the one calling me." James said matter-of-factly, making small circles in the black wood of the dining table.

I glanced at him angrily making him purse his lips sheepishly.

Mrs. Elizabeth placed my plate in front of me I thanked her and looked back at James. He was gone.

For now. I thought sadly.

He was starting to get very annoying. At first I could control when he came but now since my emotions were all over the place, I might accidently call him.

My cousin came down the stairs and I looked up. I was about to ask him a question about the college schedule but he ignored me and walked over to the other side of the dining table, taking his seat.

Mrs. Elizabeth placed his plate and coffee in front of him and a newspaper on the side, and took her seat beside him.

He thanked her then drank his coffee. Slowly.

I cleared my throat loudly so I could ask him my question.

He looked up at me while still drinking his coffee and set it down.

"I-" I started but was cut off by him holding his palm out to silence me.

He flipped to the sports section on the newspaper while Mrs. Elizabeth glanced at me and gave me a sheepish smile.

He put down his hand so I could talk.

"I think you're ugly." I said jokingly, making him look up.

He set his newspaper to the side as I shoveled the food into my mouth.

"What's the plan for the college?" My cousin asked.

"I already told you I'm gonna be a lawy-"

"No," He interrupted. "I meant in terms of driving."

"Oh." I said, embarrassed and placing my fork to the side. "The college is a few miles away so I guess I could walk?"

I scanned his face for approval.

I found it.

"Sure." He said. He picked his newspaper back up, signifying the end of the conversation.

I pulled on my hoodie sleeve nervously, making sure that all the scars underneath were covered.

Mrs. Elizabeth noticed but didn't ask about it.

I hope nobody asks about it. I said in my head.


During the walk there, I remembered how out of shape I fucking was, so I arrived at the campus panting like a dog.

I took my schedule from my pocket and scanned the first column next to 'Monday'. I had law at 7:30am so I decided I would spend the next 30 minutes looking for my class. Due to the events of yesterday, I would prefer if no one helped me at all.

I walked around the green campus, following the signs and occasionally glancing at my timetable. It said my class should be in 'Lecture Hall 18' but I couldn't find it anywhere on the signs.

I somehow ended up on the dorm floors and checked the time. 7:15am. Wow I'm going to be late to my first class! Another amazing first impression!

I sighed and decided I needed help.

15-minute record? That's amazing! I thought sarcastically as I tapped the first person I saw, laser focusing on my timetable so I wouldn't have to look the person in the eye.

"Umm, excuse me, I think I'm los-" When I looked up, I saw the one person I tapped was John.

Holy shit, is there no other person I could meet or did the universe really run out of people?

Memories of last night flooded back to me and I couldn't suppress my blush quickly enough.

"Hey Alex." John said, turning from his group of friends he was talking to. A girl in yellow I recognized from yesterday looked pretty pissed at the fact he turned his back on them.

Oh god, I interrupted their conversation. I thought as I scanned the people behind him. I recognized most of them.

I looked back at John, a smile I hoped was real was spread across his face.

Oh lord he's hot. I controlled my brain. Wait, no he isn't.

"Hey John." I said, forcing my heart to stop beating so fast and my blush to recede- wait my words came out weird, oh no he's looking at me, he must think I'm weird. CAN WORDS BE WOBBLY??

I was having a mini panic attack in my head and I could see James standing behind John's group of friends, leaning on the wall and watching me.

I tried to ignore him and turned my attention back to John.

"Thanks for last night." He said, the tips of his ears turning slightly red.

What? Last nigh-OH YEAH.

I blushed again at the thought and covered my face with my hands, hoping my hands could hide my blush.

"Thank you for walking me home last night." I said behind my hands and peeked at him. He was laughing.

Is he laughing at my joke or at me?

I felt like crying so bad.

"No problem." He said. "So, you were saying?"

Huh, what was I saying?

He noticed my confusion and nodded his head towards the timetable still in my hands.

"Wha- Oh yeah umm, I can't seem to find Lecture Hall," I squinted at the timetable. "18." I finished and smiled.

He laughed at the little confident thing and I couldn't help my heart from melting.

"Yeah, well you are definitely in the wrong place," He turned to see his friends behind him and gave them a thumbs up. They understood immediately.

"I can take you there if you want." He suggested. I looked back at his friends and at James. James gave me an encouraging smile and I took his invitation gradually.

"We'll see you at lunch John." The yellow girl called after us as we walked to the elevator. John gave them a thumbs up as I held the elevator door for him.

When the elevator doors closed, I couldn't help but smile. 

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