Chapter 16 - Love? Never Heard Of Her

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John's POV:

"Thank you, John." Alex said.

I showed him where Lecture Hall 18 was just a minute before his class started. I thought about how ironic it was that the one person I hated was a lawyer and another I could never get enough of was trying to become a lawyer. The second person was Alex by the way.

The entire time, I couldn't help but laugh at his jokes. He was much funnier than he gives himself credit for. Like when I would laugh at a genuinely funny joke, he would give me a strange look and awkwardly laugh along with me. It was strange but I loved it.

Only when I told my jokes he laughed. Like his real laugh. It was adorable and left me breathless each time, making me crave for more.

But jokes weren't the only thing that we did. I mean we enjoyed each other's company, at least I enjoyed his company. I have no idea if he was ready to dash into the Hall by himself, rather than talk to me.

No, I told myself each time that thought entered my head. He enjoys your company, just look at him.

I needed to work on increasing my mental health, especially since high school. That fucked me up bad.

The school grounds were really beautiful. There were lands on green everywhere, and I was glad I wasn't the only person enjoying the summer air. Everyone was out, lying on the grass and talking. But most of all Alex seemed to enjoy it. He would stop to look at every tree and even glanced at the people who were on the grass. Maybe in disgust but who cares?

I could never get un-beautifulized (A/N: Yes, I really did make up a word shut up) by the school grounds. I personally loved it so much when people enjoyed the outside instead of staying cooped up in their rooms and staring at a screen for hours. It was refreshing to see that people could find little things that enjoyed them, even if it was the outside.

What was more refreshing was Alex. I don't know why everything I was talking about just circled back to him. I don't want to have this again, falling in love. It happened once and ended so badly I cried for two months. Like I said, fucked up bad. Lafayette is never gonna let go the fact that I blew off all my dorm money on a ring. I honestly don't blame him much either. What I did was stupid and sometimes I would wake up feeling really sad. I didn't like when that happens because for the rest of the day I can't focus and feel like I'm going to break down.

I bet Alex never has that, I thought when I watched him get mesmerized by the trees that shaded over the benches the students sat in.

See, always circling back to Alex, like a dance. Like a dance? You may ask, well glad you did. Because you move in manipulating movements, circling around each other and eyes glued to your partner. Partner. The word sounded perfect on my tongue, as if I was destined for it and I sub-consciously looked at Alex.

Woah John, let's not get ahead of ourselves.


I snapped back to reality, met face-to-face with a very concerned Alex.

"Jack is fine." I blurt out.

God what is up with you lately?

Alex smiled at me and glanced at the big clock on the side of the Hall.

Why the fuck is there a big clock on the Hall?

"Oop- looks like it's time for class." He cast me an apologetic look. I smiled at him as if to say 'I brought you here, don't worry about it.'

He understood my look.

"See you later," He paused. "Jack." He smiled.

Oh god his smile is adorable AAAH.

He entered the Hall and I watched him go. I don't know why but when he turned to leave, I wanted to reach out for him and never let go. That's weird right?


"I don't know why this is happening." I cried in my hands, collapsing onto my bed.

I already finished my first class and didn't have class for like two hours so I used them to mope around my dorm room and cry to Peggy.

"Aw John," she said. "You're falling in love."

"I don't want to." I cried again, uncovering my face and looking at my 'Saving' jar. The ring glimmered at me menacingly and I cringed at the thoughts that crept into my head.

Peggy followed my gaze, her eyes darkening slightly at the sight of the ring.

"I thought I told you to get rid of it." She said, turning her head back to me.

"I-" I choked on my words and tried to force them out. "can't." I finshed with a lot more emotion than necessary.

She nodded slowly.

I covered my face again, this time to supress the tears that threatened to come out.

I heard the noise of shuffling and a door closing.

I looked up to see that the jar was gone and a very 'mission accomplished' facial expression on Peggy.

"Where's my jar?" I said in a voice that sounded like a dad who was asking their child where the last cookie went.

"In the closet." She sang. "Like you."

I chased after her because of the last comment, making her squeal and run away.

I eventually caught her and pushed her onto the couch, laughing.

A very loud throat clear was heard from the doorway.

I glanced up to see no one other than Thomas Jefferson standing at the doorway with a disgusted and surprised Laf.

"Oh no, don't stop just because of us." Thomas said, walking into the dorm and opening the fridge.

"Umm, John, I thought you were gay." Laf said, giving Thomas a scared glance and me a hurt look.

I looked down at Peggy and the realization hit us like a ton of bricks.

"Oh no, we aren't-" I coughed and recomposed myself.

"Yeah. No sex here." She gave a nervous laugh and got up from the couch.

Laf gave a non-believing 'mhm'.

"Look, if you like Peggy in that way-" Thomas started.

"LAF HOW DO YOU KNOW THE DISGUSTING CREATURE ALSO KNOWN AS THOMAS?" I said hysterically, eager to change the subject. Thomas looked offended for a second then shrugged it off immediately because he was used to comments like that.

"Umm, I've known him for quite a while actually?" He said, giving Thomas another curious glance while the man in question took a swig of orange juice.

How come I didn't know that one of my friends was friends with Thomas?

"Hmm." I said, casting Thomas an extremely suspicious glance. He shrugged.

"What are you majoring in?" I asked him, eager to start a conversation to ease the tension.


Like Alex. I wonder if they met each other yet.

"Did you have a class today?" I asked.

"Yeah, at like 7:30am." He said, exasperated.

Oh god he must've.

"What are you doing here then?" I asked.

"Umm it's literally past 7:30 like 2 hours ago?" He said, shaking his head slightly while looking at Laf and mouthing 'get a load of this guy'.

Laf giggled slightly.

Damn Alex must've other classes then.

I looked out at the hallway, past Laf.

I hope he isn't lost. 

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