Chapter 18 - L

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John's POV:

It was break. I made my way down the elevator with Laf and Thomas. Peggy said she would meet us in the cafeteria with her sisters and save us all a seat.

"So, Thomas," I started. I didn't know what to say really. He's been my enemy ever since high school and I honestly don't think Alex would like him any better.

"What?" Thomas asked, rolling his eyes. Little did he know he was proving my point.

"Just how did you become friends with Laf?" I asked. I was extremely curious, how did a nice guy like Laf meet an absolute asshole like Thomas?

Thomas looked at Laf in the corner of his eye.

Laf giggled.

"Remember in high school when we were obsessed with finding our- what was that word?" Laf looked at Thomas.

"Doppelganger?" Thomas snickered. (A/N: Yes I did really drop the HIMYM bomb in my book. Buckle up cuz I'm literally watching it rn so you'll see more of this lmao)

"Yes, umm 'doppelganger'. Well, we met in the bathroom. Y'know the bathroom mirrors that people draw on all the time, ya? Well, the mirror I washed my hands in front of had an afro drawing on it so when I looked at it, I had a motherfucking afro. I glanced and saw-" The elevator door opened with a 'ding', interrupting Laf's story.

"Yours truly." Thomas finished for Laf, stepping out of the elevator and holding the door. Laf stepped out gratefully, Thomas following after him, making the doors close on me.

"I hate Thomas so much." I muttered, rubbing my chest that the doors closed on. I watched Laf and Thomas go down the hallway, laughing.

I swear to God if he is cheating on Herc with this prick, I'm gonna kill him.

As I walked down the hallway, I sub-consciously stopped in front of the library. The glass walls allowed me to look into it, glimmering intimidatingly.

Usually, I would never stop in front of the library, heck, I would never even think of entering a library, but something about it today was making me stop in my tracks.

Something was drawing me to it and I couldn't help but cave in. It just felt right.

I walked in, immediately greeted by Madison by the front desk.

"Hey John." He called. "Never seen you in here before, anything your looking for?"

"Not really, just wanna look around." I said as I walked on.

My brain was no longer leading me, only my heart.

This was the small library, there were more around campus, like huge law libraries and beautiful libraries for all types of students, but something drew me to this library.

I followed my heart into the law section, getting more and more scared by the second. I went down long aisles then took a sharp turn right.

Why are the aisles so long?

I looked around. Nothing. I sighed.

"What are you doing?" I whispered to myself. Did my heart really lead me down here or did my brain do it? Leading me here to look at books of law, reminding me of the father. Was this a sick game my brain dared to play on me?

I sat down, my back leaning on the books and head resting on a bookshelf.

I leaned my head back and stared up at the ceiling.

"Why am I here?" I say to myself, blinking rapidly to keep the tears in.

"Why are we all here?" A voice came from behind me. I turned but was only met by books. The person must have been behind the shelves, sitting there too.

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