Chapter 19 - Who Put A Tree There?

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Alex's POV:

After break, I decided I needed a new timetable, given the only one I did have was now soaking wet and crumbling in my hands.

I wanted to ask John to show me where I could get a new one, but I convinced myself that I already asked too much from him and it would be really annoying if someone were to ask you for help all the time.

So, I decided to ask some guy in my Law class.

You see before my breakdown and after John had dropped me off, I entered the class feeling all good and happy. I just talked to John and I couldn't stop my heart from soaring, no matter how many times I told myself I was straight.

There was just something about him.

But when I entered the Hall, I couldn't find a seat. Every single one was taken and I really didn't want to sit next to some guys I barely know.

I eventually found a seat at the back, in the middle-ish. I recognized a guy from yesterday sitting next to the only empty seat, and decided to sit there.

He had very short hair and dark skin. He was wearing a grey turtle neck despite the summer heat, and was chatting next to the dude I bumped into yesterday. I didn't like that dude but I didn't care right then. I just wanted a seat.

I sat down and gave the guy my hand, resting my elbow on the seat arm.

"Alexander Hamilton." I said with a smile. He turned from his friend and took my hand, giving it a good shake.

"Aaron Burr." He said, returning my smile.

"So why are you in law?" I asked. It seemed like a good conversation starter.

"Umm, to be a lawyer?" He said, snickering to his friend.

Uh oh, he ruined my esteem. I was on a roll brother!

He noticed my expression and apologized, introducing me to his friend.

"His name is Thomas Jefferson." Aaron said as he leaned back in his chair so we could shake our hands. Thomas grabbed my hand a little too hard.

"Pleased to meet ya." Thomas said. It sounded sarcastic but maybe it was just his southern accent.

"Same here." I muttered, rubbing my hand.

"Attention everyone." The teacher called from the floor, grabbing everyone's attention.

He was a clean-shaven man with a encapsulating smile, flashing his unbelievably white teeth.

"Let's start out class." He suggested, clapping his hands together and walking to the chalk board. He wrote his name on the blackboard.

'Professor P.T Barnum'

The class continued further on into the basics of law. Between everything the professor said, Aaron was always making fun of it and whispering to Thomas.

Another annoying thing he did was when I raised my hand to answer a question the professor asked, Aaron would whisper something to Thomas, making him snicker.

I even caught what he said once when I answered a question the teacher had.

"-it's like shut up already." He whispered, finishing his sentence. I didn't want to know what he said before that but I was sure I wouldn't like it. I really thought this guy was nice but maybe he's a total dick.

I turned my attention back to Professor Barnum, subtly blinking the tears away. I don't wanna waste tears on Aaron.

"Or do you?" James whispered.

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