Chapter 20 - Just Like Yesterday

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John's POV:

It was time for work again. I made sure this time I didn't get in a fight with Laf so I wouldn't be late for work and Benny wouldn't keep me there overtime. Thinking back, the only good thing about yesterday was Alex.

We walked all the way back to his house just talking under the light glow of the stars. I loved that. It was peaceful and I was glad I could have a good conversation with someone who doesn't know me too well. It made me seem less weird in a way. It was also extremely refreshing to meet someone new, especially someone like Alex.

Now that I know him, I couldn't imagine my life without hi-

"No John." I told myself in the locker mirror. "Not again."

I slammed the locker shut, startling Maria while she did her make-up, making her have a slight eyeliner line that was out of place.

She looked at me disappointingly before turning back to the mirror and wiping it off with a tissue.

Why do girls always have tissues on them?

I glanced up at the clock as soon as it hit 7:30pm.

Showtime. I thought miserably as the worker before me entered the locker room.

I pushed the door open and took my spot behind the cash register ipad thing with a fake smile as I took the person waiting in line's order.

Only 1 hour of this John.


It was only 30 minutes later and I was extremely bored. I was explaining the mechanics of the ipad cash register to Maria just because she was confused and there was absolutely no one in the coffee shop.

She accidently pressed a random bottom, turning the entire thing and the lights in the coffee shop off.

I sighed.

Benny came running out of the locker room.

"What happened? Is it the apocalypse?" Benny yelled frantically.

How much I wanted to be with Alex right now was painful.

"No Benny," I said patiently. "Maria just accidently turned off all the lights."

"Sure she did." Benny said, looking me up and down.

I wanted to choke him so badly.

"Now what is it John? Zombies? A virus breakout-" He gasped. "IS IT GODZILLA??"

"No none of that." I answered, jumping over the counter and switching the lights back on. Benny was relieved as soon as I turned the light on.

"That's great." Benny said, walking back into the locker room.

"He's a weirdo, isn't he?" Maria asked as soon as Benny disappeared back through the locker room door.

"Big time." I chuckled. "Now what the hell did you do to the iPad?"

There was a ring that caught both me and Maria's attention, our heads snapping up.

She plastered a fake smile on.

"What would you like?" She asked Usnavi.

"Huh? Oh, right coffee shop." Usnavi said, pointing to the roof and smiling.

"Bro if you wanna talk to me, you gotta buy a coffee first." I said, crossing my arms and emphasizing on the 'coffee' bit so he wouldn't get water again.

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