Chapter 22 - Straight

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A/N: heyo!! i have a week off school so writing a lot incoming. if im not making sense it cuz im dying. also im gonna do two pov things in one chapter cuz I rlly wanna stay within the 100 chapter challenge that i made up lmaoo

John's POV:

I headed to the library. It was now the noon. I kept replaying the first art lesson I had that morning. I couldn't help it; Alex was just there.

I am 100% sure that Alex was pretending to not understand just to make us all laugh, which was actually kind of sweet. Even if not, I still find him sweet.

I smashed head first into a bookshelf, causing all eyes to stare at me.

Focus John. You need to find the art book.

I got up, embarrassed and headed into the art section. I got my book that the professor asked us all to study for. The test was coming up soon and I needed to get a really good grade not only to prove my father wrong, but to prove myself right. I didn't want to go crawling back to him. It would be pathetic.

My eyes sub-consciously travelled to the 'Law' section. I tried to push it away but I couldn't stand if L was crying again.

I sighed to myself and tucked the art book into my bag. I set my bag down to the side and sat with my back to the shelves. I listened to the breathing of L, despite how muffled it was, it calmed me.

"Glad to hear you aren't crying." I chuckled.

L returned my chuckle before falling back into the silence. I had no idea what to say to a person I never actually met. I debated the conversation starters I had but decided to say nothing at all. We both sat there and listened to each other breathing.

It wasn't an uncomfortable silence. I noticed as I lay my head back on the bookshelf. It was the type of silence that was comfortable after doing something fun.

Alex popped into my head when I thought of the word 'do', causing my to blush furiously. I covered my face despite no one seeing me.

"Hey A." L said from behind the bookshelf. My head jerked up immediately, faster than what I'm proud of. "If you could do anything for the rest of your life in the entire world today, what would that be?"

I chuckled at that.

"Been searching the web, huh?" I asked.

I could practically hear L's blush.

"I might have done some searching on Google. Shut up." There was a tone in his voice that made me feel nostalgic, like I heard it before, but the thought left me as soon as it came.

"Well," I sighed. There wasn't much thinking I had to do but I didn't want to put L down. "Art, I guess."

"Art? Really?"

"Yeah. I love art. It's my passion." I replied, shrugging. Then I remembered L couldn't see me.

It was silent for a while. This time the uncomfortable kind.

"What about you?" I asked.

"I have no idea." L laughed.

"Then why'd you ask me?" I was genuinely curious but I flinched when it came out in a mean way.

"I guess to understand you more." L said back. Even behind the bookshelves, L's words were full with wonder. Creating worlds and erasing them.

I hummed at L's statement. It worked both ways. I understood that they didn't find something yet, showing that they aren't ready. It showed me that L is trying. L found out that I already have something but I could be open to more, meaning that I am extremely interested in anything if I put my mind to it.

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