Chapter 24 - The Plan

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Alex's POV:

I powerwalked to Herc's, Laf's and John's dorm. I prayed to whatever saint that I memorized John's schedule correct and he was currently in a very boring literature class.

I also made sure to memorize Laf and Herc's. No, I'm not creepy, just excellent memory. Don't give me your credit card.

Laf and Herc should be having a lesson off. I knocked on the door 3 times before Laf opened it up.

"Quoi?" Laf asked. He looked like he just woke up even though it was literally the middle of the day. Then it clicked.

Oh, they just had sex. Ew.

"I need you guys's help." I said, sliding past Laf. He called for Hercules and I told them both to sit down on the couch as I paced in front of them.

"I'm going to get a job," They cheered for me. "NO GUYS SHUT UP. I'm going to get the same job as John."

I watched their expression. Laf was surprised and Herc was just confused.

"What, at the coffee shop?" Herc asked. I nodded.

"You're going to work with John?" Laf asked. I nodded again. "Why is that such a big deal?" His eyes widened and he looked at Herc.

"Do you like him or something?" Laf teased, making me blush furiously.

"Oh my god, you do." Herc exclaimed.

"No, no I don't. I'm straight." The word tasted strange on my tongue and flashbacks to last night came back.

Laf gave Herc a look and they both smiled teasingly at each other than me.

"Sure you are." Laf said, getting up.

"NO, WAIT COME BACK AND SIT YOUR ASS DOWN." I yelled, dragging him back to the couch and forcing him to sit.

"I need your help trying to distract John." I said.

They then exchanged a worried glance.

"Why?" They asked at the same time, then giggled.

"Because I don't want to tell John I'm gonna work with him and not even pass the interview. That would be embarrassing." I sighed, pressing my hands to my hips.

"Oh, hey guys." Peggy said, stopping at the front of the dorm. Eliza and Angelica both were behind her.

Peggy invited herself in and sat right in between Herc and Laf.

"What's wrong?" She asked me.

Should I tell them? I mean they are my friends, and they also know John well. What the hell? It could be a way of connecting more.

"I need your help." I sighed.

Peggy's eyes filled with excitement while her sisters stood behind the couch. They also wanted in on this.

Maybe this won't be the worst idea.


John's POV:

I walked into my dorm room to be greeted with all my friends. I scanned them all. No Alex.

They all had the same suspicious smile on their face. I was extremely tired; I didn't have time for their shit.

"Oh god, what did you guys do?" I asked, wiping my face tiredly.

"You tired?" Eliza asked in a scary voice, the type murders use before they kill someone.

Oh no are they gonna kill me?

"Yeah kinda?" I glanced at all of them. They all had their hands behind them so I wouldn't be too surprised if there were knives behind their backs.

"You should rest." Laf said, looking at the clock and pushing me into my room.

"But I have work." I said, confused as they lay me down on the bed.

"You could skip it today." Angelica chirped.

Uh oh, they got Angelica too.

"But I need to," I thought of Alex. I didn't want to leave him all alone in the dark. I got up, and Laf shot Herc a scared glance.

"I need to." I stated, trying to push them all out of my room so I could change.

"But you're tired." Laf said from the other side of the door.

"Since when did you care?" I snapped back.

It was silent on the other side of the door.

"You sound tired." Peggy said. She was right. I was tired.

I opened the door and mumbled that I was going to go to bed after I call Alex.

I sat on my bed and they all crowded around me, looking at my phone.

I dialed his number and pressed speaker, everyone was shooting each other worried glances.

It dialed for a while until he picked up.


"Hi Alex. I just want to tell you that I won't be going to work today."

"Ah, alright." He sounded a bit distracted. "Can I talk to Laf for a sec?"

"Yeah sure." I handed the phone to Laf.

Laf unpressed speaker and I watched Laf's expression shift from concern to happiness. He handed everyone the phone and I saw as everyone's eyes light up in happiness.

I wonder what he's saying.

When Laf handed the phone back to me, Alex didn't say anything.

I guess he doesn't know me well enough to say.

I don't know why but my heart sank a bit like in the morning.

"Well Alex, I'm gonna miss our little walk tonight."

He hummed in agreement on the other line.

How do I end this phone call? I can't say 'love you' cuz that's for married people and I can't just hang up because that's just plain old rude.

Then it hit me.

"Bye Hamilton."

I could hear his smile. It was what we always said before we parted every day when I walked him home.

"Bye Laurens."

There a was the original 'hang up' sound, but I still had my ear pressed onto my phone, hoping to hear his voice again. I craved it. I needed it.

I then took my ear off my phone and sighed a bit. I scrolled to his name and refreshed, maybe hoping he would call back. Maybe to tell me something unimportant just to make me laugh, or some random class he had and how people were dicks. We had that talk every time we walked together and I couldn't help but feel a slight loss that we didn't get that walk tonight.

"Wow, you are lovesick." Peggy said. I jumped up, I didn't remember them even in my room. I cringed at myself. They saw me stare at Alex's number and thinking.

"Do not." I said, blushing the slightest bit.

"Uh huh." Peggy said, giving me a non-believing look.

"Well, it's getting late, we should go." Angelica said, pushing her sisters out the dorm. I could hear a faint 'Bye Laurens' in the distance from Peggy and I covered my face in embarrassment.

I hate my friends. 

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