Chapter 25 - Only Happy Memories

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Alex's POV:

"Bye Laurens." I said and hung up the phone.

I was practically screaming with excitement. I met the manager named Benny and since he knew me already, the interview was quick and easy.

I was so happy that I got the job and when I was walking home, I couldn't to wrap my head around how I got it. I think this is kind of weird but when I was walking home, I felt John's presence with me.

"No." I muttered myself. I don't know why I kept thinking of him. If my brains not gonna stop, then I'm gonna have to sub-consciously replace him.

I scrolled though my contacts and clicked Peggy's name. She seemed like she knew shit, and she was an overall friendly person.

"Hey Alexboi." Peggy exclaimed into the phone. My ears were ringing but I didn't care. It made me feel welcome. I could hear a chorus of 'hey alex''s in the background so I guessed she was in her dorm with her sisters.

"Hey guys." I said back after Peggy put me on speaker.

"Wassup, why you calling?"

"Oh no reason, I just want to talk to you guys."

I heard a chorus of 'aww''s, mostly from Eliza and Peggy.

"Thanks Alex." Peggy said. "Also we're gonna add you to the group chat we have, do you have WhatsApp?"

I answered all the questions and she added me to her group chat.

"Who else is in the group chat?" I asked.

"John, Laf and Herc." She paused when someone said something. "Oh yeah, Laf is wondering if we can add Thomas so I guess he might-"

"NO." I yelled into the phone. "Anyone but Thomas."

"You hate him too?"

I nodded but then remembered they couldn't see me so I said yes.

"Like husband like husband." Peggy snickered. If I wasn't all the way at the park, I would've slapped her.

"Are you blushing? I swear you are." Eliza said into the phone. I noticed I was blushing and tried to hide it despite no one there.

I could hear Peggy laughing in the background.

"I'm not into John." My voice quivered at his name. Eliza noticed.

"Sure, and he isn't gay." She said sarcastically.

John's gay?

"Wait what?" I said. I sat down on the nearest bench in the park.

How come I didn't know this?

"You didn't know?" Eliza asked.

"He didn't know what?" I heard Angelica say.

"He didn't know that John is gay."

I could hear Peggy laughing harder in the background and felt instantly embarrassed.

"He didn't tell me, okay?" I mumbled into the phone.

Eliza snickered but I didn't hear a peep out of Angelica.

I wasn't close to her so I didn't know if it was a normal thing for her not be emotion-ful.

I hung up the phone and walked home.

John's gay huh?

I thought back to this morning and the phone call I got from him. It seemed more obvious now that I knew. Did that mean he saw me in that way?

"No, no one's going to love you, Alex." I muttered to myself, pushing open the door and hanging John's coat on the rack. I stopped midway.

He gave me his coat.

I smiled at that thought, living in my own imaginary wonderland where John liked me enough to give me his coat. I wanted to live in that fantasy world.

I fell backwards onto my bed. I didn't even know how I got here. I wasn't paying attention.

I stared at the ceiling, arms resting on me and fingers intertwined.

"Why do I keep thinking of him?" Tears pricked my eyes. I didn't know why. He didn't die or anything. Why am I sad?

Why? I thought as I rolled to my side and fell asleep.


John's POV:

That night I couldn't fall asleep. I had a really early class tomorrow and I knew I needed this sleep but I just couldn't.

I don't know why.

At the corner of my eye, I saw my 'saving' jar, my eyes resting on the little sparkling diamond ring.

I tried pushing away the thoughts but it came running at me. I shut my eyes to conceal my tears and to push away the memories but it only made them clearer.

"What?" Sam asked.

I suddenly became extremely embarrassed. That wasn't a good answer.

"Oh John." Sam said, sitting down and patting the cushion next to him. When I refused to sit with him, he continued.

"We're just in high school. We can't get married." He smiled. It was a sweet smile, giving me slight comfort but my feelings had a different view on them. A tear rolled down my cheek.

"But I love you Sam." I whispered.

"I love you too but-"

"But what?" I yelled. I cringed instantly. Why am I yelling at him?

He sat up straighter, making me want to envelope him in a hug. I knew he had a bad history with his parents, especially with yelling.

"But I can't marry you."

I let out a sob. I loved this man.

"I'm sorry John." He got up and tried to hug me but I pushed him off, causing the box with the ring in it to drop from my hand. I didn't bother picking it up.

"I don't need your apology." I muttered, climbing back out of the window, landing on my feet and running back home.

I regret that all now. I wish I didn't say that stuff, but deep down I was kind of glad it happened. It affected everything in my life to now. If not for Sam saying no, I would've never met Alex. I didn't like what happened to him though. It wasn't fair.

I focused my vision on the ring, all my surroundings blurred as my eyes looked for the little dent in the diamond from when I dropped it.

Soon I saw the dent, there were red and blue flashes reflecting off the diamond. The sound of sirens. The disgusting sound of sirens suddenly sounded in my ears as if I was still there. Like the ambulance was right in front of me and blaring.

I shut my eyes tightly, shattering the memories and causing a few tears to slide down my cheek.

No, no sad memories.

I got up from my bed and turned the light on. I grabbed my sketchbook and traced the outline of my drawings with my finger. The memory of Alex sitting next to me and looking at my drawings in awe, making fun of how many turtles I drew came back to me. I breathed it in.

I remembered the feeling of Alex tucking my hair behind my ear. I was debating kissing him but was interrupted by Hercules. I was slightly relieved he interrupted us. I didn't know what to say after I kissed him. It would be disrespecting his boundaries, especially since he told me he was straight. That would just be wrong.

I stopped myself.

Only happy memories Laurens.

But only bad memories came back to me and I couldn't stop them. This wasn't how my mind worked.

I fell back into my bed and tried to fall asleep again. This time I was successful. 

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