Chapter 26 - Involved

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A/N: its Halloween soon so whatcha guys doing? I personally have no idea cuz i have a costume but i don't know where to wear it to soooooooooo

Alex's POV:

John walked me to college this morning and I had to use all my willpower to not tell him I got the job at his coffee shop. I didn't want to ruin the surprise but now I am having second thoughts.

What if he doesn't want me to work with him? Will I come across as needy?

I either pushed away the thoughts or answered them with the truth. If he didn't want me to work with him then I would just stop being his friend. Though, I hoped that wouldn't be the case because I really enjoyed his company and what we have going on right now is good.

That morning I talked to Laf over the phone before John came to pick me up.

"What if he doesn't like the surprise?" I had asked.

"Non, he will. I have known him for a long time, he's gonna love it!"

I admired the confidence that Laf had. Every word comforting like he could see into the future and was trying to convince me that everything would go right and that there were no wrongs in the world.

I wanted something like that, maybe with John.

No, I'm not gay.

Before John came to pick me up, I was sitting by the window and looking for him.

"Yo, why are you so obsessed with that guy? John, was it?" Peter had asked from behind me.

"Yes, it's John and I'm not obsessed with him." I said, rolling my eyes and looking at Peter. He looked much worse than yesterday, even though he slept. I knew something wasn't right.

"What's wrong with you? What's been going on?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"But you have to if you look that bad. I thought this stuff was going to 'resolve' itself." I said, quoting Peter.

"Well, it isn't and it's killing me." He sighed. "Oh, look there's John."

I turned my head immediately, only to be met with nothing.

He started laughing behind me.

"That wasn't nice." I said, blushing.

"You are so obsessed with him." Peter laughed. I was glad he was lightening up a bit.

"Am not." I said, crossing my arms.

"Mhm sure." He patted my head and walked away. I turned my attention back to the window.

Whatever was going on with my cousin and his wife is really taking a toll on him. I have never seen Peter so tired and weak. I don't even think he slept all week other than the time I forced him to bed. When I come home from work, I'm going to sit them both down so they could talk it out. I know he doesn't want to talk about it but I wasn't going to stand idly by when he's practically dying. I haven't seen Mrs. Elizabeth all week so I'm guessing she looks worse. I've seen them together. They have a deep love for each other.

John suddenly came to view. He also looked tired, but when he met my eyes through the window, his eyes seemed to lighten up and the eye bags seemed to retreat.

He waved at me and I waved back, tugging his coat on. It has gotten cold very fast and it felt like only a few days ago, it was summer. (A/N: yes, I forgot I wrote it in a summer time setting stfu)

I closed the door behind me and ran down the steps fast enough to look like I wasn't stalling time but slow enough to not slip on the ice on the steps.

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