Chapter 27 - Heart Attack

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A/N: just finished reading a new chapter from 'between the lines' that my dear friend Celesteeoooooo wrote and honestly am so damn pissed rn at Francis. anyway story 

John's POV:

I glanced jealously at Maria. She was helping Alex understand the 'ropes' of the job even though I was planning on doing it myself, but she begged me, saying that she needed to prove herself and that she wasn't some girl who just needed a few measly bucks like every other girl ever.

She gave me an entire speech but I was only half listening, only focusing on the big surprise Alex went through so much trouble to make true.


I know I am overreacting for someone's who's friend just decided to work with them but me and Alex had a special connection that I won't deny. Something just clicks when we are together, and I can't help but crave it every time we talk or share a laugh. I'm sure he felt the same.

I took a random lady's order with a fake smile.

I turned around me and made the coffee. I could see Maria cracking Alex up with a joke and a pang of jealousy hummed through me.

I watched as Maria guided Alex to each work station and made up some kind of joke while teaching him. I saw as she reached out her hand to touch his shoulde-

I dropped the cup on the floor. It caught the attention of Maria and she pulled her hand back.

I smiled evilly in my head.

Maria smiled apologetically to Alex before making her way into the locker room to grab a mop to clean up the mess.

I grabbed another cup and began to fill it up.

Alex gave me a look and came over to me.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked me, searching my eyes. I looked away from him and at the floor.

"Yeah, just fine, why?"

"You don't look fine." He said, pursing his lips sheepishly. I knew he was choosing his words carefully to not try to make me explode with anger.

"When do I ever look fine?" I forced a chuckle and looked up.

I met his eyes with mine, taken aback by how beautiful they were and I kicked myself for not noticing before.

"You always look fine." He said breathlessly like he just ran a hundred miles. He leaned in until our breaths mixed.

I'm gonna do it.

I leaned in closer, breaking our wall that kept us apart. I closed my eyes as I leaned in further, waiting for our lips to connect.

I can't believe I'm gonna do this.

Suddenly Maria slammed the locker room door open, making me and Alex jump away from each other, the cup I was filling poured all over me due to the sudden scare. I looked sheepishly at the woman at the counter who rolled her eyes and left the shop, taking her money with her. She was the last person in the coffee shop and I gave Maria a dirty look.

Dammit Maria, I lost my money and didn't get to kiss Alexander.

I touched my apron that was now soaked with coffee and sighed. I glanced at Alex to see he was blushing furiously, causing me to flush with embarrassment from our little 'almost' kiss.

"What's wrong Maria?" Alex asked the terrified looking Maria.

"I think Benny's having a heart attack." She said, still frozen in her spot. I snapped out of my embarrassment and told Alex to call 911.

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