Chapter 31 - Club Day

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A/N: just finished homework and had to make a whole ass painting. idk why but it looks good far away but so trash close jfc. ummmmm i noticed i have 31 chapters on the first week of college so that's bad, so get ready for a lot of time skips *cue awesome music*

Alex's POV:

It was Monday again, a week after my awkward encounter with John and I honestly don't know what to say about it anymore.

I ended up avoiding him all week. It was kinda like a record but one I'm ashamed of. I didn't like this.

I guess I was kind of bummed that we couldn't ever get in a relationship but who want to be in a relationship with John anyway?

Me. Always me.

I sighed as I slung my bag over my shoulder and walked out of my house. Peter and Mrs. Elizabeth were officially getting a divorced so she moved out. It was supposed to be a month or two until they finally establish that their marriage is over at court so until then, I will be hopping house to house. Mrs. Elizabeth had rented a house a little farther away from the college for walking distance so she had to drive me there.

She asked me whether I wanted to stay with Peter for this week and her the next but today I don't want to talk to John. Especially not in the morning right now. I had been hiding out at Mrs. Elizabeth's house all this week and I plan to do it all next week as well.

"Well it doesn't matter because you are still gonna have to talk to him at college." Mrs. Elizabeth said, giving me eye contact in the rearview mirror.

"But I don't want to." I said, covering my face and letting out a frustrated puff of air.

"What do you want?" She asked.

What did I want? That was a hard question to answer especially since there was no answer. There was never gonna be an answer, like there was never gonna be a deeper relationship with me and John. It just wasn't gonna happen.

"But I wish it would." I muttered. Mrs. Elizabeth didn't hear my mutter which I was thankful for. I know it was stupid to literally suggest to not have a deeper relationship while I wallow in my despair. God, who knew this whole thing would be so confusing?

Mrs. Elizabeth dropped me off at the front and I entered the building without saying goodbye. There was no need for goodbyes.

And just because I have the most amazing luck ever, I bumped into John at the front lobby. Literally.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry." John said, picking me up.

He caught a look at my face.

"Oh, hi Alex." He said, eyes darkening. He was acting weird after I told him about never being more than friends, especially when he literally confessed his love to me.

I didn't like this. Funny how when I suggest we do this to stay friends, we still drift apart.

"We're heading to the cafeteria, there's supposed to be a student club thing." Angelica said from behind John to try and lighten the mood.

Why is Angelica so perky today?

I shrugged the thought away and followed them to the cafeteria, keeping a sure distance from John.

We all walked in silence to the cafeteria, Peggy constantly whispering to Herc, making him laugh. Laf would want to know the joke and Herc would tell him, causing Laf to laugh as well.

Lucky sons of bitches. I thought grimly. I bet they never had a problem with their relationship.

We all arrived at the cafeteria. There were little booths scattered all over the cafeteria, some parts even reaching the main opening where people entered the building.

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