You stayed close to your children putting in an order for a bedroom. You were planning to do this when Lukas was born anyway, but under the care of the other three children, you've had to have it. You've even assigned Hunters to watch over you at night from here on out. It gives the newbies a job for the night you wanting the role to be switched out every day, so you won't bother the same person too much. You were waiting for a response when your own flesh and blood Johnny decided to offer his to you. You were hesitant knowing this was an option, but you didn't hate it nether the less. The green eye boy places the key in your hand not accepting a no from you. You ruffled his hair in response and begin packing you and Julianic's things. As you do so, you find a ring tucked under his pillow. It was a wedding band, and you wondered if someone proposed to him. He is seeing someone often, and to be honest, it almost stung. Almost. As you hold it in your hand, he enters the tent noticing you were packing.

" Who is she?"

" It's a he and none of your damn business."

He snatched it away, and you fall silent.

" Are we marrying other people now?"

" I just said yes, so I could keep fucking him."

" You're lying."

" Does it... bother you?"

" What? No."

" It honestly does, doesn't it? Well, I'll be damned."

He begins laughing you quickly packing your things.

" You shouldn't toy with someone's feeling, you know?"

" Whose? Yours or his?"

He begins to laugh harder earning himself a glare. Valentine soon appears beside your tent. You can tell it's him by his legs. You climb out beside Julianic just to have your lover help pull you up. You two share a sweet kiss him nipping at your neck because of his dragon nature. You blushed tightly wrapping your arms around him. Julianic rolls his eyes at you two, and it finally dawns on him that you were packing your things along with his. He gets excited even finally seeing he got that room he always wanted.

" You know, our son is leaving for Earth today. He's so damn excited to see those twins."

" What?! I thought that was tomorrow!"

" Nope. It's today. A few others are tagging along, so he's not alone thankfully."

" Maybe I should go with them."

" No. Your duties are here. You need to look after your children anyway in the dire stage of there's. Julianic and the other two wouldn't know what to do without you."

" I actually would be fine. It's been two weeks since the newborn has been birthed. Let her take the trip. Maybe then she won't be so wound up."

Valentine glares at the man before placing his forehead against your own.

" Do you wish to go to Earth? It might be dangerous."

" That's my middle name. It would be nice to get out. Luka and Ambrogi is here to watch the baby, and I'm sure Julianic would be happy to get a break from me."

" Hallelujah!"

Julianic begins laughing you two sighing. You start to take the trip seriously you missing the life you had before. Valentine begins to talk about getting a nice hotel room and maybe take this trip for a vacation.

" It can be work and... pleasure."

You whisper the last bit making him bite your ear in reply. You kissed him Julianic groaning for us two to get a room.

" Not ours though!"

You actually laughed at Julianic actually surprising the two men. Valentine didn't like it squeezing you from jealousy. You nuzzled his neck in response earning yourself a low growl. You two get a bit jittery as you open up your clothes chest ignoring the dresses and packing your more casual attire. Valentine goes to his own tent and begins packing. You two were ready within the next hour you giving your gem children kisses as well as explaining to Luka and Ambrogi that you were leaving giving Lukas a peck on a cheak. You even go to a couple of your children in asking they help watch over and protect them while you're gone. They made their promises to you as you head for the train.

As you take your seat, Valentine soon joined you propping his head on your shoulder. You needed a break honestly from being queen. You put Alexis in charge for the time though it was abvious because of you two's partnership. Your sons Luther and Ravenic joined you in your cart. You noticed Ravenic's sly eyes to his brother in an almost jealousy. You didn't understand it, but it was due to your relationship with Valentine. All he see is love there while when it comes to his father, just loathsome. He watches Luther take a picture of you two again this time giving the picture to his father. He watches as he puts it in his wallet with such a smile on his face. He suddenly becomes timid as he looks down at his feet the idea of seeing the twins making him fluster. He secretly had two stones in his pocket; something you've tried to hold your children against for the time being. Some were already following their parents' ways falling in love with young love here and there. For this reason, the occults are glad of the mention of wives and husbands. No one regrets the old ways for their children were so strong, but they do hate the appearance it gives the children.

" So you're okay with mindless fucking?"

Suddenly, Luther asked a question surprising you both.

" Can my middle name be Valentine? Like Luther Valentine? I kind of want to be called that from time to time especially considering your Godly parents named you that."

One thing you noticed even though the Gods on Earth were abandoned is a lot were left with names. Aphrodite selected the name purposedly and wrote it on a slip of paper when she left Valentine at his adoptive parents' doorstep. You, along with him, always wondered if she chose his parents on purpose. Ambrogi was another case he being named after his father Ambrogio. He told you he was almost renamed, but out of honor for the Goddess, they kept it. This served as proof they must of known about you all, right? Maybe even watching. Then why didn't they come to your deference. Neither of the men can come to terms in hating their parents because of this for they gave them their destiny. 

" I would be honored if you took my name. It has a ring to it, doesn't it Y/n?"

Valentine's eyes sparkled from recognition. You agreed finding it endearing.

" Did it ever cross your mind she gave you the right to Valentines Day?"

" I thought about it. That's why I always feel special when the holiday comes by. Another reason why I'm such a loving person I suppose."

He kisses the back of your warm sending shivers down your spine. Ravenic thinks of his own father him glad his mother went on this trip for he didn't tell anybody of it. He knew his mother wouldn't question it for she has so many children who wanted to participate in it. He can't blame you for not able to keep up. His father though... will be in an uproar when he reads the letter he left. He craved the Hunter life like the rest, and he wasn't going to let him stand in the way of that. He's been training long and hard for the moment to shine. Not as the heir to the throne of the fae world, but as a great Hunter with the same goal as the rest of your children. To meet you high score of eighteen occult take downs. He preferably wanted to do it by himself unlike the others.

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