Chapter 1

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Atsushi POV:

I'm getting pinned to a wall by Akutagawa. He has a tight hold on my wrists but even if he didn't I wouldn't try to get away. I like his touch a lot like a lot so much so you could even say I love it. I want him to hold me here for as long as life will let this        go on for. I would never say this out loud but I have feelings for Akutagawa. At first I hated him but over time of getting to work with him I've grown to understand him better which led to my hate turning into respect. But with getting to spend so much alone time with Akutagawa over the last 7 weeks that respect has turned into love.

Over the last 7 weeks we had to go on a undercover mission together. Alone. I was scared that Akutagawa would kill me in this undercover mission but instead I got to see a new side to him. A not aggressive side but a quiet and kind side. The more this side showed it's self the more I grow to like bringing him or get nervous when he touched me or start finding him attractive. So what's happening right now is fine, amazing even.

Akutagawa POV:

I'm pinning Jinko to a wall. He is not struggling which is giving me the sign he is fine with this. Which is good. I was worried he would get angry at me but he's not, well not yet at lest. What I'm planning to do next will probably make him angry but I don't care. I am terrible with talking out my feeling so I just take action instead, which is what I'm doing. If he rejects this then I know the feelings were one sided. Putting how I feel right now into words is to hard and I'd rather just do this to get this werid feeling in my chest to go away.

I lean towards him, are lips getting closer together. He is not moving. His whole body is still as I lean towards him. His face is quickly becoming very red. A small smirk comes onto my lips at the sight in front of me. He is just so cute. Our lips finally meet, his eyes are wide open. He is to fucking cute.

I kiss him gently. Hoping he will kiss me back.

Atsushi POV:

Akutagawa is kissing me now. I was not expecting it but I'm not complaining about it. He lips are so soft. I want to kiss him forever.

Then I think should I kiss him back. My first thought is yes but then the self hating thoughts come in saying things like "why would he like someone like you" "what if he is doing this as some kind of joke". For once I didn't let those thoughts control me and I thought "screw it, I'm doing this. I'll deal with the consequences later on".

I kiss him back lowly and gentle due to this being my first kiss. I hope I'm doing this right.

Akutagawa POV:

He's kissing me back now, great. Now that I've gotten my yes I can take things to the next stage.

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