Chapter 3 (Back to Present)

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Smut Warning!

Atsushi POV:

Just a few minutes ago me and Akutagawa were doing our reports for the undercover mission we were just on but now we are having a full on make out session. Akutagawa has his touge inside my mouth and down my throat. My face has never been so red before. I've never done something like this before. I'm scared I'm bad at this but at this very moment that feeling I being over powered by just how good this feels. I never thought that I'd do these things with someone especially not with Akutagawa. Though over the time I have gotten to know him over the last 7 weeks I have started to see him in a different light. He has showed me his softer side and that made me start to fall for him. Oh how I never thought I would ever say that let alone make out with him.

Akutagawa has broken our kiss and has started sucking on my neck slowing moving down to my neck. As he does that he is slowly moving his hands from my waist to the first button on my shirt. He has started unbuttoning my shirt and pulling it off. My arms ,which are wrapped around Akutagawa's neck and my hands which are gripping onto his back, they slowly also start to take off Akutagawa's jacket and shirt. 

Soon we are both shirtless. Akutagawa has left hickeys across my neck and jaw. He is now looking me in the eyes, which makes me realize how real this is making my face more red. I try looking away by lowering my head but Akutagawa grabs my jaw to make me continue looking at him.

Akutagawa then rubs the brim of my pants with that action he is basically asks me if it is ok for him to continue. Which is a stupid question because if I has let him do this much why would I not want him to finish it because if I didn't want this I could stop him. Though I do appreciate him asking if it is ok because it shows he cares. I answer him by nodding. He smiles and continues what he was doing.

We take off both of each others pants and boxers. We are both fully naked but he seems so carm while I look like a tomato. I've never been naked in front of someone before and it doesn't help that he is looking at me like he going to eat me. I'm still pinned to the wall with my back on the wall but that doesn't last long as Akutagawa spun me around so my ass is facing him. I'm really glad that he has done that because now he won't see my red face and the horrific faces I know I will make when we start having sex.

As I knew I made a weird face just at the slight touch of Akutagawa's finger touching my asshole. I let out a gross sound along with the weird face, this is so embrassing. (real Atsushi, like writing this is so embrassing and my dad is like right next to me, too. :( help)

Akutagawa POV:

I gently touch Atsushi's asshole and was bless with a beautiful moan. The sound makes my alreadly throbbing dick throb more. I've been trying so hard to control myself but he is making it so hard with him moaning everytime I touch him. He also makes these stunning faces along with the moans which were making me lose myself. I really don't want to hurt him but he just so pretty. That's why I couldn't stop myself from kissing him before. He is just so pretty it hurts me physically and mentally. When I finally spun him around I had a stress lifted off my chest. As much as I love his stunning face I could not control myself if I had continued to look at him while he made those faces. 

My face warms up as I think of him. Even when I hated him I had always had a attraction to him. Those feelings about him grew as I got to see more sides of him. He has such a kind and trusting heart. That heart of his is what made me decide to show him sides of myself that I have only showed my sister. 

Being able to do these things with him is something I had never that would happen. He makes me so happy. If my past self ever was told that I would fall for the weretiger I would have told them they were crazy. Wow, he has changed me so much.

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