38) The angered Tiāndì

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The heavenly court wasn't usually this silent unless their emperor demanded order but today... No one dared to make a single sound or even breathe too loudly in fear of pissing their emperor more who for some reason emitted a dangerous aura that screamed of bloody murder. Even Crimson Rain Sought Flower's most intimidating aura seemed like nothing when compared to the heavenly martial emperor's current aura.

The flower crown martial god of Xianle was known as a kind, beloved and compassionate man who's willing to offer his help, being indifferent towards opinions of others. Despite having seen the worst that both humanity and the gods have done, he can also see the best in others. In the direst of situations, he is still able to remain calm and think up strategies on how to defeat the enemy.

However, during the fall of Xianle, he had lost himself in grief and despair where he was this ready to lash out on anyone and everything. It was the first time they had heard of the man ever losing his temper. This was the second time and to get him worked up this much, the situation must be dire. Even so, the heavenly officials weren't courageous enough to ask the reason why despite their burning curiosity; afraid that it would cost them their godhood or at worst their lives under the wraith of their beloved Tiāndì.

For once, they didn't mind having Xuè Yǔ Tàn Huā's presence at the heavenly realm if it meant that they could be relieved from their emperor's murderous glare. Unfortunately, the said calamity was nowhere near to be seen.

"Is the demon lord and his husband still at Gusu?" Xie Lian questioned, raising his voice for the first time ever since he came in. With the unexpected cold and authoritative tone he used so out of the blue, it took some quality time for the other official's to process his question. But Xie Lian wasn't in a mood to be patient today.

"I asked you a question!" Xie Lian reminded in a bone chilling tone, which neither sounded too harsh nor too loud to be considered as threatening. But it got the result he sought for.

"Yo- your majesty! Let me... let me check it quickly!!" The ever so competent Ling Wen was the first one to recover her senses after that cold reminder as she quickly scrambled out to get the information she was asked to provide. Though she was still very much shaken by the sudden outburst of the man she believed to be the epitome of kindness and humbleness, it did not hinder her from completing her task as soon as possible. Thus, she returned back with the information very quickly.

"Reporting to your majesty!" She resorted to the most respectful way possible in greeting as she bowed down in front of the still-very-much- pissed- looking Xie Lian. The man quietly signed her to continue.

"They had gone back to Qing Jing Peak, your majesty and I heard that they looked quite troubled when they left Gusu."

"Tsk" Very unlikely of his usual self, Xie Lian tsked at that piece of information. But before he could say anything further, a familiar sound of jingling bells reached the great hall followed by a simple call which significantly eased the tense atmosphere inside.


"San Lang! You are here..." Xie Lian sighed tiredly. Though his murderous aura never faltered, he did look tired after everything he had to see just a few hours ago.

"Where is our baobei?" He asked again when his husband took his place beside him. Hua Cheng bent over to place a soft kiss on top of Xie Lian's head before giving him an answer.

"He's still sleeping, gege. Wangji is with him."

Xie Lian raised an eyebrow, "He?"

"Mn. Seems like our Xiao Hua'er doesn't feel safe in his female body." And it was all it took for Xie Lian's murderous aura to flare up again. Only this time it felt doubled with the addition of Hua Cheng's natural chilly aura.

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